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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Don Johnson and his wife of almost 20 years, Kelley Phleger, are standing outside of a Beverly Hills salon making plans for the afternoon. Back in the 80’s, handsome Don was an impossible ladies man and very difficult to work with. When he met Kelley in the late 90’s he gave up his heavy drinking and carousing, and they settled down and had 3 kids. He’s still slim and good looking and works steadily – Don has two movies coming out in 2018.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. BooBixby

    Bet he has had his share of boyfriends too.

  2. BooBixby

    He seems so pervy.

    There has always been something feminine about him to me. Which is fine but in his younger days, he even looked a bit girly (to me).

  3. British Teeth

    She looks to be searching her pockets for a breath mint to hand to our Donnie! 😀

  4. producer

    no, whem you get older your hairs are becoming thinner with men so baldness is the cruelty for most of us, Letting your hairs grow may be a solution for us all……………

  5. Miami Nice

    For a second there I thought Don was standing outside the Hollywood Hotel. It’s rumored his daughter Dakota will marry Jamie Dornan there in May.