Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
We’ve been told to expect a big announcement of some kind from the Aerosmith camp tomorrow. Let’s see – it can’t be that Steven Tyler is leaving the band because he already denied that. What could it be? Someone pointed out that Steven’s girlfriend Erin Brady is NOT well liked by the Tyler family or band members. And it’s not simply because she wears a fur coat, it’s because the band blames her for Steven’s probable fall off the wagon. He’s rumored to be down to 112 pounds.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Casonia Sade Logenberry..I really hate Elisa and hope she is the next one to go and has any one notice that the woman can handle both sides! Once the men are tossed out on there ear at Hells kitchen fox 13
He has made music and his band has made music…That will forever move the world and no one in this world is like them all put together and creativeness and friendship should be handled with care and…I do wish every one well! Take it one day at a time.
Casonia Sade Logenberry..I really hate Elisa and hope she is the next one to go and has any one notice that the woman can handle both sides! Once the men are tossed out on there ear at Hells kitchen fox 13
This man can really sing and has a nice body for his age and is still really attractive and yes he has had problems in the pass and…I Thought that was behind him and yes he can sing his ass off and with all the music he has made in the pass..He can live on that forever and ever and the world will always be there for him to take and..He has children that any one would be proud of and He has over come…So much and would love see him go on with his life and live it up.
Casonia Sade Logenberry..I really hate Elisa and hope she is the next one to go and has any one notice that the woman can handle both sides! Once the men are tossed out on there ear at Hells kitchen fox 13
I hope steven tyler is going to be okay and yes to me..He looks great but this man needs to have some good food and when your a millionaire you can afford the best food in the world and He better not be down to 112 pounds..Because that is stupid and dumb to starve yourself to death.
to the lousy jerk that said steven tyler is a loser this perso n is just jealous of his success in music you dont get into the hall of fame for beina loser steven tyler is a generous likeable person so eat your heart with jeaalusy your the loser do the website and millons of steven tylers fan and friends a favor stay off the critical remarks about steven you suck take a sweet kiss of my ass loser an bark at theholeloser
He is going to tell us that you suck! But we already knew that! Team Perez!
He does look out of sorts. When he came out onstage this week in NYC at Joe Perry’s show he did not look solid at all. He sang awful- his voice is shot. He looks like he has aged ten years in just a year.
And that new GF? I find her whole vibe unhealthy.
She looks haggy and old in the flesh. SO beneath him.
He could do so much better.
His kids must be so embarrassed.
The guy isn’t gonna live long if he doesn’t wise up. I’m sure his organs are shot from the old days.
gross. she looks like Liv
L'il Off Broadway
Erin Brady – Grave digger? Gold digger?
112lbs? that’s skeletal. wow.
He has always been one of the ugliest things I have ever seen. He only gets women because of his career and money. His scrawny asss wouldn’t get and chicks without the cash, that’s for sure. WHAT an ugly loser!
So, the news is supposed to be posted today and I’m still waiting. I hope its rehab for his sake.
Nothing worse than a pewpaw trying to dress and act like he’s stil 25. Gross.
captain america
Checkin into rehab. Looks like heroin. Allegedly of course.