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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#nahlaaubry #halleberry #janetcharlton

Halle Berry hasn’t given up on taking Nahla to live in France- because she claims he paparazzi aren’t so aggressive there. The judge should point out that Paris wasn’t so safe for Princess Diana. AND she could lose the paparazzi simply by moving 30 or 40 miles outside of Beverly Hills. Photographers prefer to stay in the area to be available for newsworthy events. Above, Halle and Nahla shopped at Pavilions in West Hollywood. We’re guessing Olivier Martinez’s history of boxing (his father was a champion boxer in Paris) is the reason that fistfight case with Gabriel Aubry was settled so quickly.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Paula

    That little girl has a horrible role model for a mother!

  2. caro

    Janet,what is your point of view here?
    FTN:Halle Berry is selling her home and she’s searching a new home in a low-key LA aera

  3. Jenny

    That child is going to need years of therapy with such dysfunctional narcissistic parents.

  4. Steve Canyon

    ofcourse not, what a dumb question?
    a little girl like her must hove NO SORROWS at all!!

  5. Patrick

    A thoughtful comment from, Strom?

  6. Pippa Martin-St. Onge

    Ms.Berry is horrific.

  7. Nina

    I’m sorry, but I seriously think Halle has some mental issues. She just seems like a woman who could turn into a screaming maniac at the drop of a hat. She’s pretty, I guess, but she certainly doesn’t seem to care what an asswipe she looks like.

  8. Christine India

    Olivier should cast his eyes downward and say “Feets, don’t fail me now”. Get the he** away from her.

    Trouble and strife have surrounded Halle during her 2 marriages and of course now w/ the custody battle. Why would O want to be a part of it, unless he thinks he has snagged a big movie star, which she isn’t anymore.

  9. Hello

    If she was austic wouldn’t there be pics of hospital or clinic visits.

    Really princess Diana killed by photographers? I thought the killed her because she was dating a Muslim and may have been pregnant. I can’t see the queen would accept a Muslim baby in the royal family. Is it prince Phillip that has the first son but since he is African no bueno to receive the title. Maybe that is why he was forced to marry somebody to produce and heir.

  10. strom

    Hopefully it isn’t true, but it might explain the super protective nature of Halle!

  11. xyz

    rumor has it little nahla is more or less autistic. hope its not true….

  12. Kip and LaWanda

    tha bitch be crazy !

  13. mish mash

    None of these people deserve custody of this child. Halle is certifiably nuts and the dad isn’t too bright either. They are not putting the best interest of the child first, only their own selfishness.