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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


If you saw this pair walking down the street in New York, would you give them a second glance? Probably not. They look quite average. But this happens to be power couple Ryan Reynolds and Blake lively, and they have figured out how NOT to attract attention and thus be able to enjoy the city without being bothered.They have a large house outside NYC in Pound Ridge, but have been staying in their city apartment with their kids more and more, lately. Ryan’s beard/glasses/hat combo is a great disguise and Blake’s no makeup w/ baggy sweats renders her equally inconspicuous. Just another nice looking couple…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Gary

    She’s his beard! He is really joined at the hip with Hugh Jackman.

  2. Deena

    His voice sounds so effeminate. Something’s off