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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Madonna is in London spending a lot of time with her new 24 year old boyfriend Brahim Zaibat, who bears more than a passing resemblance to her last boyfriend Jesus Luz, also 24. Brahim, a dancer who lives in France, is known for his trademark flexible style and swagger. Madonna fell for his moves when he danced at the launch of her clothing line in New York. Last Friday they went to see the two-part movie, “Carlos,” about a Venezuelan terrorist, and spent the weekend together. The other night the pair dined at a London restaurant and left separately. We can’t help but wonder if the Muslim Zaibat will embrace Kabbalah to make Madonna happy.

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  1. Casonia logenberry

    Spending time with a sweet hot and sexy young man is major fun and if he has a wonderful smile it can be super wonderful and lets face the facts Madonna is Hot and pretty as hell and she is still built like a Brick house and she is smart and strong and aggressive and knows how to dance her ass off and any one has to be out of their mind to say no to time with this incredible woman.

  2. Teddy

    Madonna is a two-bit used up trick who used up the Gay Community and then became a bitter old hag with no empathy. How’s that for commenter who is her peer in age; but who never bought into her bull-shit image machine….which is all she is….until she lost her business sense….because she has no good common sense, this one.

  3. anonTWO

    Madonna dates “ethnic” but marries white.

  4. Indy

    Does Vadge pay a set hourly rate for these toyboys, (a la Charlie Sheen trysts with Heidi Fleiss’s girls)? Or are they in it(teehee) to try to become famous off her name?

    Mr.Sebastian Canada, RE: your second comment. You are continuing your progress with this great comment: So, if in fact you are asking about heaven/hell, see Saint John Chapter 14, Vs. 6. Proud of you.

  5. Meg

    Madonna needs an enema not another boyfriends.

  6. SebastianCanada

    No doubt she will eventually do a Mrs. Slocombe and be asking her son’s high school friends to help her find her pussy.

  7. Palermo

    Her obsession with young boys is absolutely gross. Soon she will be dating the same age as her daughter.

  8. Patrick

    No she doesn’t.
    Twenty four year old bisexual, Haji, boy toy pic says it all.
    She’s a fifty something old panther has been.
    Ga Ga sorted her out quick.
    So I get a turn too, you’re after ME, Sebastion.

  9. SebastianCanada

    Patrick, even Madonna draws the line somewhere.

  10. Jeanne Dixon

    Madonna needs to go to the VIRGIN islands for a RE-TRED on her pvssy

  11. Jeanne Dixon


  12. Denise

    Oh and Janet, the Jack Black pop up is annoying and creepy.

  13. Denise

    In this photo, she looks like she’s had a little too much “Kabbalah water”.

  14. XYZ

    Of course since they’re into “holy” water sports…

  15. Patrick

    Muffin Top!
    She’s being followed, Strom.
    No, wait a minute. The presidents one of those guys too.
    He’ll still feel filthy afterwards. When’s my turn?

  16. Muffin top!!

    I wonder if she gets work done on her vajayjay to conceal her “elderly state”?

    Hmm, is there really such a thing anyway? A little nip/tuck disguise the f#$k!! Just wonderin’.

  17. SebastianCanada

    Madonna has known Jesus and has now “embraced” Islam. Indy, doesn’t that mean Madge is definitely going to hell.

  18. wim

    apparently americans like the idea of being seen as LOSERS, folks?

  19. Walt Cliff

    Do you think she will adopt him?

  20. Lenny

    Oh no, he’s a man of color and the color cop strom is on the way to tell us all that he is a person of color.

  21. SebastianCanada

    Madonna’s vagina is like the hippy-dippy PC storybook version of heaven — any man, no matter what faith, race, creed, sexual-orientation, class and financial status, morality, or intelligence can get in, but does anyone really want to stay there????