All of a sudden Russell Crowe, 48, and his wife Danielle Spencer are calling it quits after nine years of marriage and at first it’s surprising, but after you think about it, it’s not. He seems like one of those rough, hard drinking Australian guys like Mel Gibson who need an experienced Australian woman to manage him. (We remember when he tried to strangle a bartender at a party for refusing to serve drinks after the party ended.) While Danielle, 43, has been at home in Sydney where their two sons go to school, Russell has been filming movies on locations back to back and has SEVEN coming out over the next year. Danielle became lonely and let’s face it, Russell isn’t as hot as he used to be…
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Not only is he not as hot, he’s a hot headed idiot! I can only imagine what he’s like to live with.
Yes cause I guess a good marriage is all based on how hot you are? Shaking my head …
Kitty, I was never enamored with him either. He always seemed rather grim, very little sense of humor and thought he was such a great ladies’ man. But the scuz and groupies of GollyWeird will still line up to get a chance at him, because he is somewhat of a star. Rots o’ ruck to all the gold-diggers that will be coming out of the woodwork.
Master & Commander was great!
He is way past his prime and threatens receptionists also
Serial cheating jerk better pay her well.. Poor Meg Ryan hates him too..
Exactly, Palermo!! This site gets more stupid by the day. I am this close to being a former reader.
He is still attractive. As far as the temper, who hasn’t lost it at times?
Since he has barely been at home, she has become used to doing it on her own… w/out him messing up the household when he pops in now and again. She’ll have alimony and child support of the rest of her life, so, she doesn’t have to ever worry about working again, either. I’m sure there have been affairs here and there and everywhere, too, which tipped the boat toward divorce. Janet, what I want to know is more about the Rhea and Danny DeVito split… what happened there? 🙂
mish mash,
This guy has done much more than just lose his temper…there has been clear evidence of that. Remember when he was arrested for assaulting a hotel clerk with a phone because he couldn’t get reach his wife on said phone? I find it hard to believe he was capable of keeping his violence compartmentalized away from his wife. Sure, he can be a charmer and he is talented, but he frightens me.
she stopped giving him ANAL-SEX.
so now he will change to boy friends in public?
Karma has caught up with him… remember, he had an affair with Meg Ryan before she left Dennis Quaid… rumor is that his wife has been seeing some guy… yeah… karma…
They were together years before he came to the US to try his hand at finding stardom here.
At that time they took a break as a couple which meant Crowe was free to chase the ladies here in the States.
After being put the ringer by American ladies, specifically American ACTRESSES who were far less accommodating and even tempered as his long time girlfriend, and after the hotness of his career cooled, he married this woman.
Hopefully, his soon to ex will run off with some of his millions and buy herself a hot younger dude to play around with, it is only fair!
just saw a preview for his next movie…he looks like crap in it.
mariagge is far away from physical connection its more than that. spirituality combined with eyes love is the key
Are any of you like you used to be? Russell Crowe is and always will be one the best actors of his generation!