A few years back, Diddy announced that he was going to change his name to Love, and then we all forgot about it. Until now. His new name is Sean Love Combs. He says “you can address me by any of my older names, but if you wanna call me Love, baby, you can” He posted his new Florida driver’s license on Instagram.

Photo: Instagram

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5 thoughts on “DIDDY: “YOU CAN CALL ME LOVE, BABY!”

  1. I guess he is alright with becoming a victim of ID theft. What’s next? His social security card?

  2. He showed love when he murdered Tupac as well.

  3. Love is a big liar, I have stood next to him, and there is no way he is over 5’10”

  4. Love is a big liar, I have stood next to him, and there is no way he is over 5’10”..

  5. This fool believes a name change will really make a difference!

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