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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The first celebrity to arrive on the red carpet at an award show is usually the most eager to get publicity – for whatever reason. National Treasure’s Diane Kruger (who also starred in Troy) was first at the SAG Awards and took her time posing for photos. The pretty German born blonde also chatted with every interviewer . She wasn’t a nominee or a presenter on the show – she was just out to have a good time – and maybe publicize her upcoming movie Spring Break in Bosnia. We think she’s cute so we’re giving her the American publicity she hoped for.

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  1. Anonymous

    She was probably at the SAG awards to accompany her boyfriend, Joshua Jackson, who was one of the ensemble players in the nominated movie, “Bobby.” Nothing wrong with being a date for the evening!

  2. Anonymous

    I think that she pulls this stunt every year–coming early enought to be the very first one on the carpet. she has done this before, wearing the same exact dress.

  3. Anonymous

    What the hell is with that dress?? And she was just awful in Troy.

  4. Anonymous

    her dress looks retarded. pretty fabric though.
    everyone in hollywood is starting to look exactly the same. if i saw her walking around somewhere in public, there is no way i would know who the hell she is unless she told me.

  5. Anonymous

    she dates that dope from Dawson’s Creek? he must have many kilos or two willies!

  6. HollywoodInsider

    She may have met Joshua inside, but she walked that long red carpet all by her lonesome (if you don’t count the publicist) albeit not looking very lonesome…rather winsome, Id say.

  7. Anonymous

    She ws really pretty in Troy.

  8. Anonymous

    She was there to accompany her boyfriend Joshua Jackson (both ontheir way from London).