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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Diane Keaton wore her signature turtleneck, big belt, and hat combination to take her son Duke to a Lakers game. We were a bit surprised by the high platform heels she chose. She really got into the game, waving her arms and hollering.

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  1. lili

    She is a great Mother OK ! and a great actress her kids are lucky and they loves her mother ! I am a friend of Dexter and she said she loves soo much her mother.

  2. Anonymous

    I loved her in the Godfather movies. It’s so funny to see them now and see what baby faces they had back then! And my personal favorite is The First Wives Club. Midler, Hawn, and Keaton were a dream team.

  3. Anonymous

    Sorry, Celeste — I think “Shoot The Moon” and “Looking For Mr. Goodbar” are her best work.

  4. Anonymous

    Duke was the nickname of John Wayne, American actor/icon. I think it’s cool that she calls him that.

  5. Celeste

    The best movie she has ever made or ever will make is “Baby Boom” in 1987. It’s a must-see.

  6. Anonymous

    B Bobby, her personal views have ZERO do to with her talent as an actress, you putz.

  7. B Bobby

    I think she is now a card carrying man hater, after many years of radical female liberation. Amazing that anyone would say she is a great actress.

  8. Anonymous

    Diane is a phenomenal actress, but she’s in her 60s now; she needs to ditch that stupid looking hat. It’s not cute anymore. And I hope that Duke has some positive male role models in his life.

  9. littleperu

    is that red wine or is she happy to see me?

  10. Anonymous

    I feel sorry for the kid having a dog’s name!

  11. Anonymous

    This is the second Diane Keaton story in a week. No offense, but she is not interesting any more, her time has passed. I feel sorry for her kids, growing up without a dad

  12. gerard Vandenberg

    Until the age of ten is NO father a real problem.
    Because without it it will be a hundred percent FAGGOT………

  13. rita

    Janet you should cver more stars of the 60’s and 70’s. It’s your forte, your niche.

  14. Anonymous

    Yes, it’s her “Signature Look.” And Father Guido Sarducci has wanted it back since 1977.

  15. Generation X

    Her mentor, Woody Allen, has long ago sucked the common sense cells out of her brain, and now with her you can always expect the unexpected.

  16. Anonymous

    Guess she wanted to be incognito. Agree about the odd footwear choice. Especially since they meant she had to sit as if anticipating stirrups.