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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


dianarosscut122806_01.jpgWe hear that the Academy of Motion pictures had the colossal nerve to ask Diana Ross to sing one of the nominated songs from Dreamgirls on the Oscar show. Are they out of touch or WHAT? First of all, when Diana was asked by Diane Sawyer what she thought of the movie, Diana replied ” I haven’t seen it – maybe I should see it with my lawyer.” The movie is based on the Supremes, but doesn’t focus on the “Diana” character. Mary Wilson, who loved the movie, predicted Diana might not like that. Plus, as Fox’s Roger Friedman pointed out , Diana recently released an album “I Love You” and sales are dismal. We can only IMAGINE what she thought when the Academy asked her to sing a Dreamgirls song. So far, no response.

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  1. Ron

    I have met the woman twice now…I have to say I hold a very special place for her. It’s true – you go ga ga when you meet a star like her. You go star struck. She deserves respect for what she has accomplished in the entertainment industry. It’s a shame that people in America – just don’t get her as an American treasure. A musical icon and a survivor. She a strong woman – this is why most people fear of her and dislike her. Her reputation as a difficult woman only is true to people who have not met her in person. She is down to earth person.

  2. Paul

    Diana Ross is a Force of Nature. She always was and always will be. I have been fortunate to attend many of her performances and if I had one wish it would be to meet her and have a conversation. She is Life.

  3. Vee from Detroit

    Basically, Diana can do wherever she pleases! She does not have to make records for money! She performance all over the world for people of all race, creeds and financial standings! Who cares about Diana’s personal life! People, listen to the music, it’s all about LOVE!

  4. Anonymous

    diana ross is the best superstar, queen diva,who are you????????????????

  5. Anonymous

    Excuse me Toxic Nanna 4:26 pm. What’s so bad about Vegas? I love seeing shows there. I wish someone would pay me millions of dollars to sing there. I hope she does get a gig in Vegas soon, I’m there.

  6. Anonymous

    I cannot wait to see her on American Idol this month. Should be a real treat to see her mentoring all the hopefuls. Lets hope she doesn’t make anyone cry (just kidding). Diana Ross is the BEST!

  7. Phil - London

    There are some people in this world right now who have caused misery and fear and death on an astounding scale. Yet here is a lady who has done nothing more than use her wonderful talent for the best part of her life to delight millions. Perhaps all the nobodys on this site who feel smug after spitting their nasty, vitriolic comments toward her should take a step back and decide if their hateful energy is really being channeled in the right place. Diana Ross = a damn good thing in this world. Be smart enough to deal with that fact!

  8. Anonymous

    I like Diana Ross. Anyone see the video on YouTube of her signing autographs outside Mr. Chows? It was funny. She was real cool about it but some guy was pestering her to take a pic with him. She told him she did before and he said no she didnt. She scolds him and says “Yes I have, I have seen you outside RiteAid a million times” lol it was funny
    Much love for “The Boss”

  9. Margo Channing

    She’s “The Boss”

  10. Anonymous


  11. Anonymous


  12. pollard


  13. Anonymous

    Lady Sings the Blues is one of my all time favorite movies. She sings phenomenal in some scenes. There’s something wrong with anyone who doesn’t like her. There’s no other explanation.

  14. milo

    Its lonely at the top…hahahah…Can anyone name any other artist who is a MAJOR INTERNATIONAL ICON who has been around 40 years and still perform around the world to sold out crowds.. No matter what people say this woman definately help shjape pop culture….enough said!!!!!!! Her mere presence alone is spellbounding.

  15. nick

    All Diana has to do is stand there and everyone that is dogging her out on this site would drop to there knees in awe…. I’ve loved her since 1964 and she is as controversial then as she is now. People either loved her or hated her. But one thing is definitely true: There has never been anyone like her and there never will be. She is a original regardless of what you may think about the hair or whatever. She copied no one, they copied her.

  16. Nanna

    She belongs in Vegas. She thinks she’s still a diva. She causes problems at airports and is a convicted drunk driver.

  17. Anonymous

    alright damn it! i got a rusty box cutter here and the next mofo who says somethin bad about Miss ross get shanked!

  18. BeachBoi

    Please don’t qoute Fox News when it comes to African-American entertainers. The know nothing and are prone to distortion. For example, check Billboard figures with the “I LOve You” album.

  19. Songbird

    I am not a huge Diana Ross fan but she has gotten a bum rap over the years. Diana Ross and the Supremes paved the way for the divas of today by crossing over and making it palatable for different races to sit in the same concert hall watching the same group, no small feat in the early 60’s. Because of their success, they have been attacked and attacked over the years. Diana is a difficult woman, no argument. But how dare they ask her to sing a song from a movie that is a “pale” copy of her life and does not tell the true story. Beyonce could not touch Diana Ross’ hem in the charisma/diva sweepstakes and that showed in her performance of the movie.
    37 years after Diana Ross left The Supremes, we are still talking about them showing their effect on musical history. However, the respect lags behind the fame. Diana Ross/Supremes have never won a Grammy!!!

  20. Anonymous

    Simply untrue about Diana not being able to sing. Nothing could be more false. Her voice carries the same charisma as does her person/another aspect of the total package. The frequency and timbre of her voice cut through any orchestration backing it standing out and shining as the feature of the song. America needs to give Diana Ross her just due. The rest of the wide world recognizes her great contribution – LOVE.

  21. Ronica M.

    Diana is DULLLLLLL! She “paved the way” about as much as Britney Spears has for younger women. NOT! but thos two DO have one thing in common. They both have crappy voices and can’t sing.

  22. Abigal

    Diana is one of the finest people I have ever hd the pleasure of meetin, and I was never a big fan. However, after meeting her I decided to check out her music through the years (and the videos on YouTube). She is a great talent and paved the way for many a young girl; inspirational indeed. Best of luck to her.

  23. Margo Channing

    The “lawyer” comment regarding Dreamgirls was made on GMA after Diana Ross was shown a series of pictures of Beyonce as Deena Jones, alongside pictures of Diana Ross herself. The style of the photos, the makeup, the hair, were all vintage Diana, and THAT’S why she made a joke about getting her lawyer.
    If, in the year 2050 we are still discussing Beyonce, THEN and ONLY THEN could you compare her to Diana Ross who has been The Diva since the 1960s.
    But don’t hold your breath. Beyonce will disappear long before then.

  24. hobocamp

    …And Bev is a poor fool in need of a life.

  25. Bev

    Diana is an ugly witch,outdated weave and yellow teath,an old hag has been in need of a makeover and a hit cd

  26. adrian

    Is this for real? I can’t see how the Academy would ask Diana to sing. What song that is nominated would she sing? I think it is in Diana’s best interests to accept the Academy’s request, however I think she should proceed with caution. Let’s just hope to see more of the boss very soon!

  27. Patrick

    I’d bang her right here on the floor, right now!!

  28. Anonymous

  29. Anonymous

    go to and see who the world voted as top singing diva – diva diana!

  30. Anonymous

    Lawrencia, surely you are jesting OR just plain effing stupid OR both. For you to give no props to Miss Ross indicates that you know nothing about her. As for Diana’s competition? Babs Striesand, Cher, Donna Summer just to name a few – and Miss Ross outshone them all – YES EVEN BARBRA STRIESAND. Furthermore, I somehow am unable to see Beyonce or any of these so called icons of today as legends in the making. I seriously doubt we will still be discussing them 40 years after the fact. Get a clue you hater – I’d love to see what you look like. Bet you dont look as good as Diana – better recognize.

  31. Lawerencia

    Diana Ross is sooooo TIRED and DATED. That RATS NEST of a hair weave is just horrifically OUT-DATED and she has worn it that way for over half a century. She NEVER COULD SING all that great and her so-called divineness is played out and annoying. The ONLY reason she got so famous back then was because no one else was around to challenge her. She was thin and scrawny and made a nice manniquin for clothes. Beyonce would have kicked her butt if she’ld of had any competition back then.

  32. Anonymous

    A few artists, and Ross is one of them, do not rise or fall on the strength of their lastest publicity stunt. She has admirers throughout the world of every persuasion. When she appears anywhere at anytime, there is an audible gasp from the audience who sit visibly awe-struck at the mere appearance of this historical figure. Dreamgirls will be a mere footnote in future biographies by those who will continue to analyze the magnitude of her stardom.

  33. Anonymous

    (( I also like Diana’s daughter….her daughter is really cute funny and talented, I’d like to see her get some really good roles. she plays one of the girls on a upn sit com style show. girlfriends.)

  34. Anonymous

    there is something about the cast and crew of dreamgirls that just makes me think that they are all grumpy jerks. who knows what the hell went on with that movie, but they all seem to really dislike each other and expect everyone to kiss their asses. there seems to be this total lack of humility. whatever, that film is all fiction.
    stfu and go away dreamgirls.
    the real life story of the supremes is more than any of them will ever know.

  35. David

    To the “haters” – you will get yours in the end.
    Miss Ross is a Diva of the first class – with all good intentions.
    I would love to hear her sing any song – way to go Academy!!!

  36. Anonymous

    i like diana ross.

  37. Jeff

    I heard Diana Ross’s new CD and it is amazing. These are all the songs that I have always wanted her to sing. Especially, the title track “I Love You” and “What About Love” from the Color Purple musical. Anyway, As usual I believe the general public is just a little behind. This new collection isn’t a bunch of songs with all that wailing. Just the pure Ross artisrtry. Nevertheless, I would always welcome her rendition of “We are A Family” the song she sang at The Central Park Concert. WoW, she really looks great and sounds great.

  38. Anonymous

    Her album “I Love You” came out with #16 on the Billboard’s R and B List…not bad…….it would be in poor taste from anyone to ask her to sing a song from a movie that is based on her life…with no permission from her or Motown….

  39. Thomas Smith

    Nope anonymous you’re wrong. She originally made the comment on GMA (a morning show), and then made basically the same comment again later that night on Letterman. But it should be said that in both cases she made the comment in a very joking, laughing manner.

  40. Anonymous

    I don’t watch GMA, so perhaps she made the “lawyer” comment there, but it was originally made on Letterman. I only bring it up because I know how important accuracy is here.

  41. Anonymous

    Diana is a Legend. She is a truly talented singer. So she’s past her prime, so what. She is still (in my book) the most beautiful with or without makeup with combed hair or frizzy hair, she’s a Queen. She deserves everyone’s respect and admiration. She’s earned it.

  42. Anonymous

    Has been.

  43. Arizy

    Yea Right…ask the Tucson Arizona police department about her diva behavior after she was arrested for drunk driving…it made all the news,,,,except maybe Janet!

  44. Anonymous

    Excuse me but Miss Ross is a true legend as evidenced by the fact that we’re still discussing her after all these years. Who cares about the record not doing well? She will ALWAYS have a huge fan base and her following remains intact. Diana has changed in regard to her personality. Shes not that brusque, insensitive, demanding diva she once was – shes now quite mellow and kind BUT STILL THE DIVA – ALWAYS THE DIVA!

  45. alexis Pappas

    Recently I have the opportunity to talk with
    Diana Ross at the B.Hills
    library of all places.
    Diana was the sweetest person I’ve met in a long time.Her hands were loaded
    down with books. But she took the time to talk with me for about 45 minutes. We talked about her acting career and her singing career. She happens to be a GREAT ACTRESS. She IS a gift from God and still is. She has qualities like no other and she is a notable figure throughout the world and maybe other planets too! She’s top and full of LOVE. Her songs are about LOVE and since this world right now is so full of hate no one can relate to her music at the moment. Things will change after a change takes place in the White House! Praise Diana Ross!

  46. Beatty

    Diana was known as the female singer who had more *sexual encounters* with more different men than any other. In other words there have been many many booty calls! Maybe that is why she looks so tired now!

  47. Anonymous

    Another blister…She treats people like they are her yesterdays trash!!!!

  48. Hedda Bopper

    She should be happy ANYONE asked her to sing anywhere.Her new cd is just bad remakes which screams,no money to make a new cd.If she was smart she would pull a cher a make a dance cd.lets face it,the only fans she really has left are gay men,and gay men dont really wanna hear her singing those kareokee remakes.And someone tell Diana to hire a dresser,this new shlumpy look is not pretty……Oh No!

  49. Hedda Bopper

    She should be happy ANYONE asked her to sing anywhere.Her new cd is just bad remakes which screams,no money to make a new cd.If she was smart she would pull a cher a make a dance cd.lets face it,the only fans she really has left are gay men,and gay men dont really wanna hear her singing those kareokee remakes.And someone tell Diana to hire a dresser,this new shlumpy look is not pretty……Oh No!

  50. Hedda Bopper

    She should be happy ANYONE asked her to sing anywhere.Her new cd is just bad remakes which screams,no money to make a new cd.If she was smart she would pull a cher a make a dance cd.lets face it,the only fans she really has left are gay men,and gay men dont really wanna hear her singing those kareokee remakes.And someone tell Diana to hire a dresser,this new shlumpy look is not pretty……Oh No!