We hear that the Academy of Motion pictures had the colossal nerve to ask Diana Ross to sing one of the nominated songs from Dreamgirls on the Oscar show. Are they out of touch or WHAT? First of all, when Diana was asked by Diane Sawyer what she thought of the movie, Diana replied ” I haven’t seen it – maybe I should see it with my lawyer.” The movie is based on the Supremes, but doesn’t focus on the “Diana” character. Mary Wilson, who loved the movie, predicted Diana might not like that. Plus, as Fox’s Roger Friedman pointed out , Diana recently released an album “I Love You” and sales are dismal. We can only IMAGINE what she thought when the Academy asked her to sing a Dreamgirls song. So far, no response.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Wiggle-butt can sing her ass off any time she wants. But what is more important is the way she has touched so many lives with love. Rare is the person who can endure hatred and still personify love.
I, for one, believe she is an angel on earth, and can’t wait to hear her golden voice later this month in Melbourne.
C’mon people, lighten up. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but who are we to judge?
I think it is extremely rude to pubically criticize people you don’t even know.
As a white male growing up in the South in 1964, I can tell you that my wife and I both agree that Diane has done more to advance racial equality than almost anyone who is reading this now.
Look at the larger picture here and then go look in the mirror.
Be respectful and be nice to one another. Life is short.
Diana…I Love You..”too”
and can’t wait to see you in Atlantic City at the Borgata hotel….
Heather Wright
Diana You are a God Gifted Perfromer.I can’t think of an Artist Today that can compare to her.
I hope you plan a Concert planned for Toronto Canada in the future, I won’t miss it.
The legend of THE SUPREMES is greater than the sum of its parts. Although, Diane was responsible for much of the group’s success, she is still one of the parts….a knock-off of the original trio. Those girls were so important that they are still talked about today. Despite the fact that Diane has not had a hit in over 20 years and Mary has never had a post-supreme hit, they are both legends. They don’t need “hits” because they already had them (more than anyone else). If Diane would just acknowledge that it wasn’t all about her, maybe she wouldn’t be the subject of such negative press. Every time she “pits” her solo name up against the legendary SUPREMES, she loses. Why can’t she figure that out? Does she surround herself with deluded people who tell her what she wants to hear? I don’t think that she’ll ever learn.
First up as far as Diana Ross goes, where does anybody get off being so mean and hateful? She’s a legend and a superstar all over the world and up until recently in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful female artist of all time for the longest length of time as well. Her talent speaks for itself and if anyone who has been fortunate enough to see her live shows, movies, tv specials, the will attest to her artistry. She is in a class with Sinatra, Stresiand, Tony Bennett and anyone who truly knows performers will admit to that. Also, anyone who has ever seen her in concert knows that Ross is one of the most giving, nicest performers and who lives and feeds off the energy of her fans and is ALWAYS gracious and nice to everyone. How she operates as far as a businesswoman is not my or really anybody’s concern. Showbusiness is tough enough and to be a woman, a black woman, I’m sure has not been easy. Personally, looking at others in the business she is no better or worse than many if we are to believe all the accusations I have heard and read. And, I find it funny that for some reason the press never decides to print all of her vast accomplisments as an artist and humanitarian as well as being extremely generous to her ex band mates Mary Wilson, Florence Ballard and her family and Cindy Birdsong as well. Maybe if people stopped reading The National Enquirer and Star magazine and stopped listening to Mary Wilson (ok Mary, give up the jealousy and face facts you wouldn’t have made the millions you made and squandered if it were for Ross) they would learn who Diana Ross really is. If anyone really cares enough to learn the facts that are unbiased and good with the bad, I strongly suggest they read the newest biography on Ross called Diana Ross…A Liftime To Get Here: The Original Dreamgirl by Tom Adrahtas which was released November 30, 2006. You might not come away loving her, but you certainly will be more informed and at least respect her and the woman’s enormous talent and drive and you will have learned about the truth about all the many unfair accusations and “stories” told and spread by supposed friends and colleagues. As far as her new album I Love You goes, it is selling respectably and I wouldn’t be surprised that sales will be boosted back up after next week with her appearance on Jay Leno and then American Idol on March 14. The cd is a good solid cd which shows Diana in very good voice with quite a few good and great selections with a few misses as well as to be expected by anyone today. Bottom line, Diana Ross is a true treasure and talent that we have been lucky to have come from our great country and wealth of talent. It’s a shame that in the USA we easily cast aside some of our legends for momentary “superstars”. I’m glad to see that everyone else in the world, including England where she was recently voted top and favorite female artist of all time along with the Beatles over anyone else in the business. So to all of you Diana haters, stop acting live the Diva bitches that you think Diana is and remember that though she’s never won a Grammy, numbers tell the story. The Beatles, Elvis and Diana have the numbers. It’s there, feel free to look it up. And they are all still going strong, only she’s survived the ups and downs that come with a life in showbusiness. Give credit where credit is due. She’s come out on top and is a good person and mother with an incredible career behind her and still in front of her. Thank you Diana for all the music and performances that you’ve given the world and your true fans. By the way, I’m a straight, white male if that matters. So let’s not go there that the only fans she has are gay males. You’ve obviously never seen her in concert. All ages, all races, all everything. The true tell signs of a real superstar is longevity and she’s been around selling out concerts for over 45 years now. Diana, your due hasn’t even begun yet. All the best,
Rich from Conshohocken, PA
diana ross will always be my girl….. no other female entertainer comes close to her talent and beauty….. miss ross the boss!!!!!!!
suddenly interested
what about Flo Ballard? What part did Diane play in that tragedy?
The legend of the Supremes will always be greater than the sum of any of its parts. Diane will always be one of those parts, a knock-off of the original ensemble. She won’t give credit to the Supremes and she wants it all for herself. On “Inside the Actors Studio” she uses the word “I” when referring to the Supremes (“I” recorded Baby Love). She actually had the nerve to say that Florence left the Supremes to start a family and that she was never aware of any resentment toward her in the group. That lying and her selfishness is what makes people criticize her. She pits her solo career as “Diana Ross” against her career with The Supremes and She’ll lose everytime. Maybe she really believes that it was all about her. Maybe she IS mentally ill and deluded.
Nice to see-like me-many people still love Miss Ross Diana=class,glamor,excitment,
love. Diana is the origional DIVA
Rosemary O. Swan
Mama may have, papa may have, but G-D bless the child that has it’s own.
Miss Ross you are truly
blessed. Keep the haters under you feet. Remember,
I LOVE YOU, always and forever.
Diana has worked very hard for her successful career. When she sings anything that is written by composers Ashford & Simpson, her stars shines even brighter…! Love you Diana….keep at it girl!
I can’t believe all the negative comments regarding Diana Ross. I also can’t believe people are questing her talent. Just to set the record straight, Ross is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most successful female singer of all time. People should stop tearing her down and give her props for her accomplishments as well as the wonderful music she’s given us for the last forty-plus years.
Miss Ross is one of the world’s greatest entertainers – bar NONE. It would be awesome for her to sing ANY song at the Academy Awards presentation. She was a living legend thirty seven years ago – now she’s an eternal legend. God Bless Miss Ross.
Ty Smith Columbus,Ohio
AS MAHOGANY STATES-the woman every woman wants to be-and every man wants to have…(did you get the period??)
Anyone who has had the privilage to see her on stage knows what kind of power she posseses – there are not many singers that will leave a stage and actually sing to thier audience. Mary Wilson has slammed Diana evey which way and why? Jealousy? Diana has born the brunt of every slam and yet she’s still here.I would love to see her hit #1 and be ontop again!
new cd is just bad remakes which screams,no money to make a new cd.If she was smart she would pull a cher a make a dance cd.lets face it,the only fans she really has left are gay men,and gay men dont really wanna hear her singing those kareokee remakes.And someone tell Diana to hire a dresser,this new shlumpy look is not pretty……Oh No!
Fist off the new Cd was is great. As for the Oscars I too thought how tacky. But I thought what the perfect platform it would be for her to say something like “Let’s set the story straight this Movie was fiction and not my story then go into the song” What a perfect seating. Don’t you think?
You guys take this way too seriously. Diana Ross looks great at 62. I don’t care too much for the album though. But it good to see she still around and getting respect from the industry. Every Day was her best work since her day if only she’d promoted like she did I love you , she’d have a comeback album some of her best songs remain unheard of. She should’ve gone on Oprah to promote I love you that would’ve increase her sales. She hasn’t seen the top 40 since the 80s so good for her.
Danny G - Vancouver Canada
I like Diana Ross. I saw her in Canada on her workin overtime tour and she is very unique and talented. She is the consumate show woman! Worth every panny i paid for the ticket and beleive me I have walked out of concerts before.
hey 7:33…i tried to see the clip on u tube but says user accnt was suspended…me thinks maybe THE BOSS is watchin’ this blog and might of had it removed as copy righted? would have liked to have see it….
Diana is a true AMERICAN CLASSIC. LEGEND, LEGEND, LEGEND. People hate strong Black People. Times have changed baby. Accept and move on. We have come a long way, and Thanks to People as in Miss Ross. I have seen her live over 20 times. A long the way taking hater fans to witness the MAGIC, and before you know it, they are screaming and dancing faster and louder than me. What does that tell you. Go head on Miss Ross, you dont have to prove anything to anybody. YOu made it, and we are still discussing you today after 40 plus years. People love to see artist at the top to tear them down. 18 # 1 Hits, I guess that does not mean anything. Oscar Nomination. That for sure dont mean nothing. Tony Award, to minor, dont mean a damn thing. Golden Globe, just collecting dust on your mantel. What more do these haters want. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your family, and by all means ENJOY YOUR MILLIONS. WHICH YOU HAVE SO MANY OF.
Pat Smith
The memories I have of Diana Ross is overhearing my mother weep as she listened to Its My turn, Endless Love, Touch me in The Morning, Reach Out (I’ll be there), and Good Morning Heartache on the stereo. My father never returned, but Diana’s music certainly healed. Bless you Diana and your lovely family.
Justine Young
As a young Black American I am extremely proud of Diana Ross and her contributions worldwide. If I grew up in the projects and saw an opportunity to dine with the Kings and Queens of England, Japan, etc.. I’d work my butt off too. Thank You Diana for showing us how to fly. The haters will always hate, regardless if its about Diana, Hillary Clinton, Rosa Parks, or any other woman who dares to fight for her position in life. Thank you Diana for making beautiful music. Peace, love, and support.
Please go to YouTube.com and search “Diana Ross If We Hold On Together” and see this clip of her singing live in Japan. It is so beautiful to see. The love is pouring out of her – you must see it. Im sitting here crying after seeing it and Im a heterosexual man. BWAHAHAHAHA and Boo Hoo – go see that clip, guys.
Jason in Santa Monica, CA
I met Diana Ross in October, 2005 at the Playboy Mansion. I talked to her for a few minutes and she was so sweet and gracious and took several pictures with me. Her son Ross was with her and he was also very nice to me and shook my hand before I left them. This, as you can imagine, was a very magical moment for me. Her contribution to American culture and her music speak for themselves….and yes, “I Love You” is no exception. It is a wonderful collection of songs sung beautfifully by a great singer. No one looks or sounds like her. You haters are disgusting. Get a life.
Who cares about Fox News. Only fools watch Fox. Janet you need to get your facts straight. Miss Ross CD is doing very well. These rags magazine stick their nose in everyone business. Miss Ross is the only true Diva. Talk about Barbara, she is an ass hole as well. Just because Ms.Ross is black,and successful she get a bad rap. Madonna isn’t nice, Neither is Aretha. Any of these women can be a bitch at times. So lay off Ms.Ross. She pave the way for all cross over artists. Not just black ones. She is Still The Boss. So get the fact right. She have more hits then any female singer in the world. More than Mariah, Janet, Whitney, Celine, Aretha, Patti, Gladys, Dionne, Cher, Barbara, Britney,and whomever else you want to name. So her talent,and history speak for itself.
I can’t believe there’s no one out there bashing Madonna or Mariah! They’re the skanks that slept their way to the top! Besides, I think the Academy does have alot of nerve to ask Miss Ross to sing a nominated song to a movie that wrongly depicts the Supremes legacy! People who don’t know the real story of the Supremes are confused and will interpret the Dreamgirls as the truth, just like these below sea level educated lowlife haters in here where they’re only education is through word of mouth of an eel living under a rock! I love the movie, I thought it was great, but I know it’s not the story of the Supremes and Motown. They snubbed her of the award to Lady Sings The Blues and now this???? I don’t think she should do it.
You people have to be kidding yourselves. Diana Ross’ career speaks for itself—18 # records and known around the world. The only reason people love to hate her is because she’s confident, strong, and beautiful too boot! It’s really sad that people allow what they THINK they know about Diana Ross to blind them to the FACT that Diana is a talented artist. And yes, she has made mistakes and continues to do so; but as always, speculation is the rule when it comes to Diana Ross. The same type of comments happened before she saw Dreamgirls, but when she did see it and made a statement about; it was ALL positive. So there are obviously a buncy of people who have commented in a negative manner before anything from Diana Ross herself has responded to the Academy—that in and of itself shows that Ms. Ross could never please those who have decided to hate her. Too bad for them; they are missing wonderful work from a talented artist.
I personally like I LOVE YOU though yes I too feel that Diana could have done better I still think it’s good,I also have agree that she should pull a Cher and do a dance album- she’s got the pipes now she needs the writers – if Cher and Tina can do so Can DIANA!
Ronald Wesby
I see a lot of ignorance here. But some one should ask,who gave permisssion to ask Diana to sang at the Oscars,and then fire that person they should know better. P.S. I don’t think this sight have ever garnered soo many hits, STAR0POWER ! Diana Ross Dominated the charts from 1964 until 1986 in America,World wide you could say she dominated until the end of the 20th.CENTURY. Micheal Jackson,Oprah,Madonna are all her proteges.
Diana Ross is the baddest bitch of em all…I still get goose bumps watching her Ceasars Palace concert….the one where she came down from the heavens and got carried back up by her dancers when it was all over… still fierce after all these years…go on miss ross, do your thang, girl
John Tobias
I love Diana Ross, I love her new CD and I find quite ineresting that her voice has not changed like aretha’s and still has it’s brillance.
Don Belton
I mean inextricably linked!!! I love you. That’s all that really matters.
Don Belton
I love you, Diana Ross. Your sound, image and name are inexplicably linked to the soul and spirit of America as a symbol of hope. Motown forever! Peace and blessings.
Bernard Jackson
Diana Ross is Still the Boss she does not have to do what everyone else is doing because she is Diana Ross and we still pay attention!!!
She is in a different class than Cher so she doesn’t have to make a dance record if she wants to sing about love and I love the new CD and I love Diana Ross. Diana is a true Diva and plays by her own rules. I would love to see her do a double disk CD and do what she does best all on one CD Dance, R&B, Pop, Love Songs.
After reading the above comments, I can truly say there are some truly ignorant persons in this world. Persons who have no education, or awaremess that you judge an artist by what they contribute and what stands the test of time. An intelligent, educated person is aware of what constitutes accomplishments, and time is the greatest critic. Time says who survives not the ignorant masses who still do not know the difference between their elbows and their asses. That is why we have the ass, dick and tits shaking in music today: the trash bags who grab their crotches, tits and asses because those are where their brains are. We do not have to like Diane nor do we have to listen to her, but we do need to respect her. Respect her contributions and her voice. She help make it possible for blacks and the white trash to express themselves on TV and on the radio…even if the majority of blacks or white trash express themselves by what they sit on, put into their mouths or what they ingest, snort or inject.
http://www.youtube.com has many full clips of performances of her alone and the supremes. real classics. The stuff of legends. check it out. love u miss ross.
There�s one comment i cant understand! Although Diana has many gay fans, there are many hetersexual men too! By the way, i�m one of them! 😉
Why do knock a person for trying to give the gift of music to the world.People are relying on second- third hand reports of Miss Ross’ grand attitude. why not bash Madonna, at 50, walking around in under garments,( would you like your granny showing her Christmas & New Years) and really cannot sing, also non singers, J.Lo, Janet Jackson, and the others that seem the weaker the voice the more dancers, background singers, stage production they provide.I’m proud to see Miss Ross continue this far from the deep racial divide of the “Chitterling Circuit” to now. She has endured great racial discrimination,including black on black for the Motown sound, marring out of her race, and quite frankly becoming a major cross over artist. You have these “singers” today that if you take away the visuals, are common, church voices, but they are young and cute so they sell cds, strip away all the production and most wouldn’t survive on American Idol. Miss Diana Ross has a unique voice that given the right producers can go and surpass most of these younger “singers”