#denzelwashington #janetcharlton
What a pleasant surprise. Denzel Washington was at a recent Boys and Girls Club of America event in D.C. where he was asked about Clint Eastwood’s empty chair performance at the Republican National Convention. Denzel has no problem with Eastwood. According to Huffington Post, Denzel said “I have the utmost respect for him as an actor and as a director.“ Denzel backed Obama in 2008, but currently he calls himself an independent and said in this election he isn’t committed to either side. “I listen to both sides of the argument and try to make an assessment.” Too bad there aren’t more people in Hollywood like Denzel. More thinking and less arrogance are good things. (Above, Denzel is the GQ cover guy)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
If by now you cannot figure out who you are voting for It’s you that has issues!
100% of BLACKS voted to free OJ Simpson
99% of BLACKS voted for Obama
We need a few more open minded people like Denzel on political issues.
Sounds like Denzel doesn’t want to burn any bridges in back scrathing Hollywood to me. We don’t have a democracy in America we never have. The last couple of corrupted vote counting Pres. scams showed that. We have a government run by the wealthy for the wealthy.
Roseanne Barr seems to be the only Presidential candidate speaking about the needs of most Americans and she can barely get press coverage.
…….his wife gives him more than a pain in the ass, folks
Carrie, Americans are living under the illusion of freedom. There are several other independents that is running for president but the media only shows two and only allow two. Dems and Rep as the only choice to vote for in an election. So the tax paying people only have one choice and they still get fucked.
Ben Bernake printing to oblivion bring the dollar to be worth 20cents, Arabs stop paying american debt and the now the chinese have hold in the distribution of oil. If other countries wants to buy oil they have to pay in yuan not in dollars. Start stocking up because prices will go up so it will be a cold and dim winter.
i have no problem with the peoples who will vote republican or democrat:we are in a free country,aren’t we?
Wait? Who’s arrogant? CE for speaking at the convention? Or the rest of Hollywood who’s voting for Obama?
Who are you implying?
that’s funny…are you suggesting that denzel washington is going to vote for romney?????
that’s impossible…he’s a smart, thinking man…
that’s the funniest thing i’ve heard all year…this year and last year…