Dennis Quaid visited the Today show to talk up his new role on the Amazon series “Fortitude” – he happily cooperated for autographs and selfies on his way out. This week he discussed his cocaine use in the 80’s and it sort of explained his split with Meg Ryan in 1991. Dennis’s partners keep getting younger – his ex-wife Kimberly was twentysomething years his junior, and his current girlfriend Santa Auzina is 32 years younger. They spent Quaid’s 63rd birthday together on April 3 riding the rollercoaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain. We resent the fact that Dennis keeps getting acting job offers, but Meg Ryan doesn’t.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
did he also get a chin implant…what a shame
He looks awful!
Papa Don't Preach
Another year or so and he’ll be a dead ringer for the wizard of Oz.
Howdy Doody! Spot on!
What a shame, just saw him on Ellen a few months ago and was surprised how good he looked for his age, obviously before the surgery. Both surgeries so overdone, wonder if he used Meg’s doctor??
Janet is obsessed with Meg Ryan and the late Amy Winehouse
What the HELL did he do to his face? Unrecognizable.
Agree with all of the above: Meg Ryan destroyed her looks, and consequently her career in one fell swoop.
But very surprised to see that Dennis has now succumbed to the knife, too; he looks like a (semi) live-action Howdy Doody in that pic above.
That said, Postcards From The Edge is even funnier now than it was a quarter century ago–credit Carrie Fisher’s brilliant writing, and some sublime acting: Maclaine; Streep; Benning; and Quaid–who was apparently playing himself! 😀
I enjoy his acting, but, ITA, horrible cheek implants, etc. He looked younger a year ago.
Meg seems to have floated away on the wings of her pillow lips. Seems bad face work can botch your movie career even earlier than middle age.
bear mountain
Another unsuccessful face lift!!! He looks awful!!!
For me Meg Ryan’s allure was just staring at her pretty pouty face up on the big screen (and yes she was an adorable actress)..You couldn’t pay be to stare at that face today.