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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Dee Snider, 62, says he retired his band Twisted Sister after their 40th anniversary tour because head banging no longer agrees with him, “My neck has had it.” He wanted to put an end to the band while it was still good. His new music is less physically aggressive than heavy metal, but he still dresses the part – head to toe leather in the summer! Dee and his wife of 36 years, (!) Suzette, have 4 kids and two grandchildren. Suzette was a costume designer when they met and she is still quite a beauty.
(Above the Sniders had dinner at Craig’s restaurant)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. tnucbmudasitenaj

    Funny how Janet defines beauty by the amount of plastic surgery a woman has.

    There is a reason why Janet doesn’t post many pictures of herself. She obviously can’t afford plastic surgery.

  2. whizzkid

    …….he’s still standing.

  3. Lauren Phillips

    Another remnant of the 1900’s

  4. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Her implants are impressive.