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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We happen to LOVE parties in stores because you can socialize, indulge, and shop at the same time! In Style magazine takes it a step further with their yearly Indulgence party for female celebrities only. It’s held at a rambling Brentwood home and every room is a gifting suite for designers clothing and cosmetic lines. This year luggage was offered to everyone to stuff with their acquisitions. Shopping without having to pay sounds like heaven, and it is. To keep up their strength the pampered celebs have top catering companies with tables of all kinds of amazing food, cocktails – and desserts galore. Poolside massages and spa treatments abound. And guests can gossip with all their friends throughout. Men were hired to carry all the ladies’ loot to their cars. No wonder the famous faces turn out by the dozen…..

(Above, Debra Messing even took a salad to go)

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  1. Sari

    Debra’s not looking good.

  2. It's me Margaret

    I hope they are paying taxes on that swag.

  3. limpy

    and the flee market continued……………

  4. Lauren Phillips

    43 million Americans are on food stamps

  5. susieserb

    Not Your Daughter’s Jeans????

  6. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    (At least we hope she “rented” it!)

  7. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    They are fun.

    And as in years past, luggage wasn’t enough to get the job done for some celebs: Winona backed up a truck in the driveway; naturally, it was a Ryder Rental! 😀