Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
How can Debra Messing continue to deny that she is pregnant with her second child? It’s cleverly draped, but – whoa- her intricate outfit tells the story. We didn’t know she was a big polo fan either. Speaking of pregnancies, we have always felt that Debra’s first pregnancy caused Will & Grace to jump the shark and -although she couldn’t help it- that’s why the show went off the air. Anybody else think that?

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  1. She was never good in that show and the curse of Britney being on it didn’t help.

  2. I was just talking about this with someone the other day!! When she was pregnant they didnt even try to hide her belly nor did they try to explain it on the show, it was such an insult as a longtime fan of the show that they didnt even care enough to maintain consistency of her character.That was definitely when they show jumped the shark, she also lost every funny bone in her body after she had that kid, which tells me she is not a good actress at all. She was so overrated and she will never have that momentum again in her career, she blew it big time!!!!

  3. Are you sure she isn’t just fat? No baby lumps. And she was the weakest link on the show.

  4. I never thought she was that great, either, on the show. The other actors shined!

  5. –I’ve always felt (and read) that she was conned into being the weight she was for that show. Yes, she looked unique and hot. But this may be her natural weight. RE: her presence on the show, I thought she was hysterically funny, within the context of the core four. They supported each other perfectly, much like the cast of ‘Friends.’ That being said, maybe she is preggers, who knows? RE: her natural comic ability, don’t give up yet. she is a funny lady, no matter how hard she tried to be glamourous in the past. Be grateful for her talents.

  6. Megan and Sean were the whole show. Eric was just the one they played off of and he was good at that. Debra was just ok, nothing great, but ok. I miss the show.

  7. She always overacted and screeched through the whole series “Will & Grace”. I think that she’s just added some poundage, not pregnant.

  8. ITA Megan and Sean were amazing on the show. Anyone remember the hype about Messing being the next Lucille Ball? Pffffffffft! Yes, she was pretty, and she could mug and act a bit, but that’s it. She’s nowhere near the comedienne that Ball was.

  9. she does look a bit thicker than she has in recent months. she had gotten quite thin after Roman turned 1yr. I dunno. Maybe she’s just been eating, finally. But from her arms and thighs, she looks like she’s got a baby on board.

  10. Hey Miss J,
    I think her character should have been pregnant in the show.. it seemed like the last few years, starting with the pregnant season, just really became a parody of who knows what…and a waste of a timeslot

  11. Hey Miss J,
    I think her character should have been pregnant in the show.. it seemed like the last few years, starting with the pregnant season, just really became a parody of who knows what…and a waste of a timeslot

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