Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Michael Jackson’s exwife Debbie Rowe decided NOT to get dressed up and go to his memorial service today at the Staples Center. She had a front row seat reserved for her, but we wonder if she felt awkward running into her children, Prince and Paris, whom she deliberately hasn’t seen in years. (We have a feeling they wouldn’t be thrilled to see HER, either.) Instead Debbie lounged around her ranch in Palmdale wearing her pajama top that says “Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It’s Off To Sleep We Go!” and cared for her horses.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I might perhaps have done the same thing, i mean it is so embaracing to stand in front of her kids which i might say she abandoned.Its even good she didn’t attend because she could be emotionally uncomfortable since Michael was once her love. it’s easy to comprehend and who knows what happened, the kids ain’t even hers.
Judgemental aren’t we? It is obvious that their pregnancys were a business arrangement. No one should villify this woman because she AND Michael had a deal going.
Bettye Bluejay
Oh please, she’s not the biological mother. Of course, she’ll take the kids, lots of moola in that to mismanage for the next 15 years.
There were A LOT of good friends of MJ who didn’t attend. Diana Ross was one in particular. SO WHAT? I HATE funerals and would prefer to never attend another!
Debbie didn’t attend because MAYBE, just MAYBE she wanted the fans/media to focus on MJ’s memorial and not sensationalize her being there.
This woman can’t win with the media – either she’s horrible because she wants her kids or she’s horrible because she’s stepping back for a moment to think about things.
From my viewpoint, SHE needs to get the kids out of Hollywood. It’s not like they were super close to the rest of the JAcksons – MJ banned them all when they tried to stage an intervention a few months ago. I am just glad someone let them show their faces!
She looks like one mean bitch…
Janet site ROCKS.
afew days prior to Michael Jackson’s death Janet had an Article showing Michael Jackson with prince Michael going to Dr. Klien’s office and two days later he was rushed to the hospital , that Dr. looks so cripy , maybe that’s why they are looking into it to why what happen during that visit and what he priscriped to him.
Does anyone think she would have been welcome at the memorial? The Jacksons hate her and will do anything to keep her from getting the kids because they want access to MJ’s bank accounts. They don’t give a rat’s azz about those kids.
Hmm…Debbie Rowe and MJ had a deal. She trusted him to be a good dad and he was. However, unexpectedly and unfortunately MJ is no longer in the picture. There is no deal between Debbie Rowe and the Jacksons. And it is her right now to re-evaluate with the circumstances at hand.
There have been reports that the children were not close to MJ’s family either. Right or wrong about that, Katherine Jackson is 79 years old and not only is near the end of her life span but probably unable to keep up with 3 fairly young children. Not in the best interest of these children.
Moreover, Katherine was apparently not very effective at keeping Joe Jackson away from MJ (who verbalized abuse at the hands of JJ) and probably will even be less so now; a potentially dangerous situation for MJ’s children. I believe both MJ and Debbie Rowe were/are adamant about Joe Jackson being kept away from these children. She wants a RO on JJ, which would seem to be in the best interest of the children.
So who in the Jackson family will actually raise these children? a nanny/parent? will the children be shuttled from one Jackson relative to another? Terrible ideas. (although keeping previous nanny does sound like a good idea…just not in a parental role) Children need stability and 1 parent at least, not a committee. Not in the best interest of the children.
Debbie Rowe has offered to take all 3 of the children. I do believe that under these unexpected circumstances that she wants these children and will do right by them. It would be traumatic to separate them.
Debbie Rowe, as well as some well-known close friends of MJ (Eliz Taylor) purposely did not attend the MJ memorial to avoid the whoopla. Admirable, this shouldnt be a public side-show. But that was MJ’s life and most of the Jacksons’ lives as well. Give these children a chance at a different choice.
To all those “haters” out there..have you ever made a decision when you were young that you regretted? If you say “yes” you’re human, if you say “No” you’re a liar.
captain america
WHO, the hell, IS THIS FAT & LAZY PIECE OF SHIT, folks?
Janet and the site rocks
Those are awful astute comments for someone who can’t even keep their website up & operable. btw- how many responses you have? 5. Its a wonder the server hasn’t crashed with all this traffic.
She is one hideous bitch! Why she didn’t chop HER face up like he did is beyond me, she certainly deserved it more than he did!! She has GOT to have the ugliest chin in all of “entertainment” so to speak, and should get the gross thing whittled down to a manageble size before she gives her horses a heart attack. I know the kids are NOT biologically related to this pig, none of them have her hideous chin! Thank god someone donated eggs and someone else donated sperm so these kids have a chance at turning out normal and not scared by the freaks who claimed to birth them. DNA!!!!
I’d choose a horse, too! This chick is the KEY to the child molester’s mind.
A horse? or a dead child molester? Hmmmm…
I’ll bet his contract with her didn’t include post-mortem details. Maybe not – but her actions speak volumes.
Those poor tube-test babies.
Just ask the 3 kids who they want to live with.
The Dudette
It’s all weird isn’t it?