What’s going on in Austin, Texas? They seem to have very little fear or respect for Covid 19, because nightlife continues to thrive. Dave Chappelle, who was so successful on Saturday Night Live recently, started a series of shows there but he only got thru the first. Then he was diagnosed with Covid. (Everyone in the front row at the first show must be taking their temperatures right now.) Dave will be in Austin’s version of quarantine for however long it takes to return to the stage.
Photo: NBC
Thursday, January 21, 2021
thought of this story today, when my hair stylist (yes, our salons are open and I wore double masks) told me that she was at one of Dave Chappelle’s shows at stubbs, outside at distanced tables AND everyone had to take a rapid test at the door! SAFE, but carrying on Janet! there are ways to continue living at least some kind of life. you shaming us in austin for trying to keep businesses open safely is so Gross. the service industry deserves to make a living too! if Austin is so crazy, then why is everyone from California moving here?!?!! two new neighbors from california since the pandemic and california license plates everywhere here in austin. wear your mask, be safe and live! it’s going to be okay.
Common sense
Janet it’s not the Beubonic plague. get over it. life goes on.
we don’t live our lives in total fear in austin. we absolutely respect that there’s covid, but we are living safely, socially distanced, outdoors with masks. Stubbs is an outdoor venue. not sure what dave was up to, but don’t judge austin because of him.