Our wish has been granted. We’ve been thinking about who we’d like to add to the list of particpiants on the new VH1 show Celebs in Rehab that we told you about. Joanie “Chyna Doll” Laurer, Andy Dick, Jeff Conaway, and The Real World’s Puck are already lined up. We had been hoping for Daniel Baldwin – and we just heard our FAVORITE drug abuser has been recruited! Along with the pornstar who ran for governor in California, Mary Carey, and the child star Jamiee Foxworth (she played the kid sister on Family Matters) who confessed to Oprah that booze and drugs led HER to porn too. We also hear that Andy Dick may back out of doing the show.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Sometimes it’s good to hit bottom on a cycle of life.
Good thing that cycle has a shock absorber to spring you back up!
Hobbies are a great thing. Booze and drugs are not a hobby.
Just a lousy way of life.
Wonder if Baldwin is any kin to the locomotive maker… I’ll bet there are a lot of model railroad hobby shops in LA and there’s probably a few special effects people into that hobby. Little know secret – a smart chick digs guys who model railroad. I mean, where’s he got to go – hobby shop, maybe a railyard and back home.
Mama Moore
Mamafucker has been banned
Doo dah, doo dah.
She is gone from DL land
Oh doo dah day.
Gwine to whine all night
Gwine to moan all day.
Now she has no one to hate
Oh doo dah day.
Fat lonely shitbag.
They should get Paris and Britney oh and Lohan too!