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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


One last thought about last night’s Dancing With The Stars: Ricki Lake was ROBBED. We were afraid that the Kardashians’ combined 24 million Twitter followers would make sure that Rob won no matter what. Luckily, JR Martinez, who seemed to be the choice of most Americans, actually DID win. If Rob had won he would always have had that black cloud of “cheating” hanging over him. Sure, he became a good dancer (and he has a great smile,) but Ricki Lake was far better. SHE’S the one who fell victim to Rob’s family packing the ballot box. She’ll have to console herself with that.

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  1. E

    Ugh, so fed up with the kartrashians buying up space in anything that prints (I broke my current trashian-boycott — just once — to vent here), and even more fed up with corrupt lazy-ass not-actually-reality show voting methods. At least JR won (although Ricki Lake is a great dancer, as was Chynna Phillips). I started out actually liking that family; but having them shoved in my face hundreds of times a day about nothing has made me hate them with a burning passion. Greedy family, take note: there IS bad publicity!

  2. forrest gump

    the nest move: THIS ROB-BOY WILL BE A RATBOY IN TIME!!

  3. Gloria Goodman

    Ricki should have come in 2nd not Rob. But the best person won … Chaz should have been kicked off the 2nd week as she was awful. Nancy who was fun, should have gone the 3rd or 4th week. But I really like Tristan and hope he’s back next year. Get rid of Maks so he can get his attitude in order! And the best dancer, male, is Derek!

  4. Tagg

    The “Move On Folks” comment was toward Rickie or any of the other celebs, EDIE! Learn to read and decipher…

  5. Edie

    Tagg if you don’t like the topic, then YOU move on. Sounds like you are full of holiday cheer!

  6. Tagg

    If Ricki Lake really cares that she lost than she has her priorities messed up. It was a fuckin tv show and she got paid bank and lost weight! Move on folks..

  7. crtb

    I was hoping that either JR or Rickie would win.

  8. Tobe

    We liked Ricki Lake for her attitude and improvement. Glad JR got it if Lake couldn’t. Lake was needing some money. Hope the show helped her out in that dept.

  9. Lyric

    I voted for JR but don’t begrudge Rob’s family for supporting him. That’s good PR, not cheating.

  10. Hilary's Duff

    Who on Earth is JR Martinez?

  11. Denise

    I actually liked Rob on the show. He was that one dancer they get occasionally who actually gets better and the fact that he got better seemed to bolster his confidence. He came off as real in a family of fakes.

    Except of course for Bruce a/k/a “the hostage”.

  12. Muffie!!

    I wonder how Rob managed to get that many votes, considering ALL of America supposedly hates the Kardashians?

    Hmmm, guess not so much!!