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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Dakota Fanning,13, is shopping in Beverly Hills, but not alone – her mom is just out of the picture. She’s very hip in her skinny jeans – chances are she can barely bend her knees in them – just like Madonna’s daughter Lourdes. (What IS Lourdes’s last name, anyway?) We think Dakota looks like a mini Cameron Diaz today.

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  1. Maggie

    Shame on all of you!

  2. l.l.

    where’s your career margo on triple x ave i love little Dakota. your comments are lame and dumb.

  3. Marvin

    My youngest daughter, Destiny, who will be 13 Sept. 13th is also a skinny blonde but healthy. I do not believe Dakota is suffering phisacally. I hope that she will not be permanently affected emotionally from all the criticism.

  4. Anonymous

    It’s Lourdes Leon; her father is Carlos Leon.

  5. Leslie Purifoy

    Lourdes’s last name is Ritchie like her parents.

  6. Fronika

    Ugly kid.

  7. SanGINA

    I bet Shirl is gigantic and is just jealous of thin girls. She probably only shops at Lane Bryant at best. Go have another cheese danish, Shirl.

  8. Anonymous

    Shirl sounds like a cow.

  9. Virgie

    I’m in complete agreement with Ms. McKlinskey. I’d love to scoop that little girl into my arms and stuff a nice hot meatloaf in that poor depraved stomach of hers.

  10. DeeDee

    Shirl, I’ll bet my entire closet full of True Religion and Frankie B.’s that you’re ass is bigger than half of Texas. You’re so jealous of anyone that can fit into a pair of skinny jeans beacuse the only thing you can fit your lard filled turd cutter into is a xxxL pair of spandex leggings. Put that brownie down and pick that dumbbell up STAT.

  11. Anonymous

    Leave Dakota alone. She’s too young to be raked over the coals. The poor thing is out shopping. Leave her alone already.

  12. otto

    Oh yeah, Dakota’s career is defintely dead. That’s why she’s pulling down $2 million per movie and is currently attached to 5 separate projects. Everybody always wants to hire you and pay you millions of dollars when your career is over.

  13. Margo Channing

    Look who’s talking, Linda Lavin!
    Where the h*ll is your career since Alice went off TV in the 1950s?

  14. Linda Lavin

    Poor Dakota.Her career is over and done with.Who will hire the poor kid now that shes all gangly and awkward looking?And why on earth is a girl of 13 doing shopping on robertson if only to get her picture taken?

  15. Anonymous

    She’s adorable. At that age you wear whatever is the fashion cause you want to fit in and look cool. Give the poor kid a break.

  16. the truth

    Dakota is not an idiot, a slut, full of herpes, or drug addicted. so save your coverage for Lindsay, Paris, Nicole,ect.
    And how mean to compare her to Cameron Diaz in any way. Unlike Cameron, Dakota can act!

  17. Patrick

    I hate you sunseeds 777.

  18. sonjaya

    hope shes saving her money,now that shes not that moppet cute kid her career is dead and done

  19. sunseeds777

    Yea, I agree she’s is a bit young to be point faults at.

  20. Shirl McKlinskey

    Good lord shes 13 and her mom thinks its ok for her to be running around in those jeans?Someone call a social worker a.s.a.p.
    Dont they feed her shes bone thin,not healthy,im gonna pray for this dear sweet angel.

  21. Uola Gabor

    My Dears.In my days a true lady wouldnt be caught dead shopping on some street like a common maid.One would simply have called Riccardo of Beverly Hills and made an appoinment to see the latest dresses from Paris.This new breed of hollywood in flip flops and hooker wear is a disgrace to the legends that made this town what it is.Her parents should be ashamed.

  22. Anonymous

    Janet, I think it’s wrong to post about such a young girl. Please show some class.

  23. Anonymous

    She seems like she’s being brought up well. I’ve watched her on a couple talks shows and was amazed at her composure. Everything she said and did was age appropriate too. Hopefully everyone in her life will keep her grounded as her career continues. She’s very talented.

  24. Anonymous

    I think it’s wrong to be commenting on such a young person who still is not emotionally equipped to handle it. Maybe only if the comments are positive and nurturing.

  25. Anonymous

    Her mother/manager is a sick freak for allowing that rape scene. I don’t care how carefully scripted and choreographed it was, it’s a twisted greedy bitch that thrusts a child into that kind of situation. My crystal ball shows me addiction, a shaved head and many trips to rehab. Just like Brit and Linds, she never had a chance, did she?

  26. meh

    Lourdes Leon