It’s ironic that Jennifer Aniston talked her friend Courteney Cox and her boyfriend Johnny McDaid into getting back together. Johnny, 41, lives and works as a musician in the UK, and he’s not fond of California. Courteney, 53, LOVES Los Angeles and didn’t want to move to the UK, so she called off their engagement in 2015. Jen urged Courteney to try spending more time in London with Johnny and their long distance relationship has been flourishing. Jennifer’s collapsing marriage to Justin Theroux had a similar geography problem – he loves NY and she loves LA.
(Above, Courteney arrived at Heathrow in London.)
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
Ah, well–since someone else (:D) addressed the elephant in the room: Courtney’s extraordinarily short length of leg has truly been her cross to bear. Interestingly, they’re on full display in her first big breakout role, as the unknown teeny-bopper, handpicked by The Boss himself to dance with Bruce Springsteen in the legendary video, “Dancin’ In The Dark.”
But Courtney was undeniably lovely. Dark hair, with beautiful luminous blue eyes, like lanterns.
Unfortunately, she can’t do a thing about her stumpy legs (pedal-pushers are certainly FATAL, as pictured!), but the real tragedy is what she has done to her once stunning face.
Scraped and par-boiled, she is wrinkle-free, but, alas, looks like an 80-year old incarnation of Edith Head. 🙁
There is much to be said for taking care of yourself–without overruling nature. Look at untouched Jodie Foster: undeniably a woman of a certain age, and all the more beautiful for it.
The width of her hips accentuates the extreme shortness of her legs! Wow! Stumps
It's Me, again
This woman isn’t only old, but she’s also old looking. The clothes make her look even older and desperate to appear young.
so wearing thongs help indeed your relationship, folks!!
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
There is a very unhappy young woman in England who had to temporarily “relocate” for Courtney’s visit.
Courtney is being duped. They visit a few times each year leaving Johnny to do as he pleases. Johnny called off the engagement, not Courtney.
If Jens such a genius why didn’t she move to New York?
Paloma Sirieda
She is way too old for him