Penelope Cruz is in Miami filming her role as Donatella Versace in American Crime Story and we are dumfounded by how little she resembles the designer. Donatella, who took over as head designer when her brother Gianni Versace was murdered, is quite unusual looking and has had a number of cosmetic procedures. We know Penelope can act, but visually she couldn’t be further from reality.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
You should show a pic of Donatella from the year Gianna was murdered…she wasnt bad looking at all
from a twenty mile distance away………….
Ah. Not much more she can do about the “coke nose,” unfortunately, but, as others have mentioned, Donatella wasn’t at all bad looking back in the day.
Not being blind, she probably knows exactly how she looks today–but credit to her: she keeps showing up! 😀
Sal Delvechio the barber
Cruz has never been taken seriously after her mind was destroyed by the Scientologist.
donatella wishes she looked like Cruz
I do not want Penelope Cruz to playing me in a movie said no woman ever. I want Pene’ to play me too! If long after my death someone’s recollection of me is really Pene’ in a wig, well, yay me.
where would they find someone who looks like THAT…she was nice looking when she was younger and didn’t put that black makeup all around her eyes.
changing the eye makeup would go a long way to making her look better…don’t know if she ould undo the lip plumping damage
india moon
piffle you are so so right. she was a lovely young woman….. Maya Rudolph was hilarious as her on SNL
They couldn’t find a desicated corpse that could act so …
Could Donatella look anything less than Donatella?
Wow….I usually don’t like to dog somebody’s looks but since she did this herself…I will.
Yikes! That’s a homely woman.
In her youth Donatella wasn’t bad looking but she turned to surgery in the hopes of becoming beautiful. I suppose spending so much time with super models (the real ones from the 80’s/90’s) got to her. Unfortunately things turned out badly and she just kept on with it in the hopes of turning it around. Sad Really.