Recently we posted a photo of Corey Feldman, 45, and an observant reader pointed out that he’s “turning into another Charlie Sheen.” That’s absolutely right! At first we compared him to a “mini Hugh Hefner” with his collection of Corey’s Angels, but Charlie is more like it. There IS a resemblance. All Corey needs is a TV series, lots of drugs and money and he’ll be another Sheen – he already has the blondes.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
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sickman needs help
This man is mentally ill, why does he insist on copying other celebrities looks?
First he tried to look and become Michael Jackson, and now he’s trying to be AIDS riddled Charlie Sheen.
Something is seriously wrong with him, and if he were relevant someone might give a dam.
This guy just needs to go work at Popeyes and go away.
Stranger-Danger I agree. There is some serious mental issues here. Feldman doesn’t seem to know how to be himself.
He copies other people just like he is living a continuous bad role in a d rated movie.
I’m still not convinced that he likes women as much as men.
He also needs a back brace of some kind to keep him from slumping forward so much. He has a small build and short in height. You would think he might stand up a little straighter especially around photographers & tall women.
If you ever get a side view of him from a distance he would look like an old 90 year old man with cataract sunglasses.
I just love the man…………….
He’s just plain nasty.