Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Are we crazy or do these super young girls that Constantine Maroulis hangs out with make HIM look older? Last night the American Idol runner up was giving that smoldering “look” to young women at Le Deux. Apparently the Jersey boy is in Hollywood to promote the release of his new album coming out in August. It looks like he took our hint and ditched those beat up lizard boots for – yikes- white shoes!

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  1. How about talking about his new CD? You can listen to it here.
    http colon slash slash www dot americanidol dot com/news/view/?pid=948

  2. See? And you guys didn’t think Sheersten was doing her job! She’s got Janet posting a new article every day!
    Thanks Janet!

  3. he likes em old too. Check out this picture of his biggest fans:
    go to photobucket dot com and do a search for member name

  4. JANET! Why? Why? Why? Please tell me you are getting paid to write about this LOSER, That would explain it, cause really no one cares.

  5. ummm…I think alot of people care about Constantine. What they don’t care about are the people noted in that Photobucket.

  6. This guy looks like a busted pimp and those look like cheap truck stop tramps!
    Really Janet this is a celebrity gossip site this guy is not a celebrity. He is a big loser and the morons who are his fans are nothing but cheap floozies.

  7. Crack whores that what they are. They do drugs all night and work the streets of Ohio.

  8. Janet, he does look long in the tooth in the picture and the other picture too. He looks like these girls’ pimp, or the neighborhood perv that parents want as far away from their daughters as possible.

  9. Yo Janet, are these paid escorts or beards? What do you think? Or know?

  10. He must still have it going on – otherwise you scags wouldn’t keep up with him.

  11. I wouldn’t mind checking out that package. Doesn’t matter the size either because it’s his. More than that, I want the man attached to the package. If I were one of them? I’d be right there too. Go for it, ladies. They don’t look all THAT much younger than he is. What is the appropriate age for him? Is he allowed only 28 yr. olds? 29? WTF??? I think he is so sexy and talented. Hot!!! Give me more, please. Just can’t get enough of greekboy!

  12. Careful Janet, the obsessed will start calling you a woman scorned if you keep posting anything remotely negative about Constantine.

  13. I didn’t like his first album. My girlfriend bought it and I have heard better from 15 year olds in my garage.
    Why attempt a second when the first was so horrible?

  14. This blog entry will get another 300 replies. The lovers and haters will fight it out and the world gets to see how truly crazy all his fans really are.

  15. Oh no, ANOTHER one? We have TRUE heroes fighting and losing their lives in Iraq and people are wasting space on no-talent, reality show reject idiots (and their wannabe fame ho’s) like this that have contributed so little to society as a whole? You should be ashamed of yourself, Janet.
    **he likes em old too. Check out this picture of his biggest fans:
    go to photobucket dot com and do a search for member name
    that pic is old. The one whose face is whited out is one of C’s old girlfriends, the gold digger and overseas porno “model”

  16. Does anyone really know how old these girls are? Looks can be deceiving. Some years ago, as a 30 year old, I looked very young and out of a my group of friends, who were younger than me, I was always the one carded. I’m glad he’s having a good time. All I see is a guy with a girl on either side. Nothing wrong with that, regardless the age. I guess Janet’s got her panties in a wad wishing it was her. We’ve sure heard about it from her enough times. We know what you’re trying to install in people’s minds Janet. Janet **drama queen**.

  17. I didn’t like his first album. My girlfriend bought it and I have heard better from 15 year olds in my garage.
    Why attempt a second when the first was so horrible?”
    Constantine’s first solo cd is coming out next week. That other cd is with the band he was in before American Idol. They sucked. Even Constantine thinks so. The debut solo cd is a 180 on that band one.

  18. The debut solo cd is a 180 on that band one.
    It might not be a grundy, crappy garage band, but it’s still crap. Garage rock/cheesy pop, doesn’t matter. It sucks.
    As for him, ugh. He’s creepy, a really bad dresser (white shoes? He can NOT be serious?)and it’s pathetic that a guy over 30 hangs out with teenaged girls. And WTF are those girls doing with a creepy old dude like him, when there’s tons of hot, young 20, 21 year old guys with hot bodies. Dude is scrawny and way too hairy. BLECH!

  19. That is a big package! Lucky biotches!
    It’s a gym sock. Cause ITSNOTBIG.

  20. “And WTF are those girls doing with a creepy old dude like him, when there’s tons of hot, young 20, 21 year old guys with hot bodies. Dude is scrawny and way too hairy.”
    Yeah, if I were a young, pretty girl, the sight of him would make my skin crawl. I know a 27 year old guy that is built better (nice muscles, but not too big) than he is and has no gross hair coming out everywhere that would run circles around that old creep. Ewww!

  21. Careful Janet, the obsessed will start calling you a woman scorned if you keep posting anything remotely negative about Constantine.
    Of course they will, “Con Fan”‘s mission involves sending hate mail to anyone, anywhere, that says anything remotely considered “negative” (by them) about him. Because he’s beautiful, inside and out. In fact, he’s the most beautiful human being that ever lived. He’s sweet, gorgeous, and the best singer ever. He’s going to be a huge superstar. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. But God forbid you say you think otherwise-they’ll spit their crazy venom at you too!

  22. OMG, those cute girls must be really desperate to party with an old freak like that guy. Do they think he’s really famous or something? They should go find a real star to get them into the hip clubs.

  23. OMG, those cute girls must be really desperate to party with an old freak like that guy. Do they think he’s really famous or something? They should go find a real star to get them into the hip clubs.
    Hey, those girls are probably the only reason those hip clubs let HIM in the door. The doormen let him in, only because those girls said yeah, the freaky old guy is with us, let him in too. Otherwise he’d be going “Constantine? Maroulis? You know, I was on American Idol two years ago?”

  24. Since most of his fans are buying many copies of his cds and songs, this gives you a good indication of how many fans he has. I say divide the 1600 by 10 and you get about 160 fans that bought the one song and about 40 fans that bought the second song. Then again, we don’t know how many Constantine has purchased himself.

  25. Well at least those girls are prettier than those heather girls! YIKES! Connie musta been seriously doing some drinking that night in Syracuse! Either that or the pickins was awfully slim!

  26. OMG–some of you are pathetic. Who cares who he hangs with, what he does and what he says. He is just trying to get by like the rest of us. Personally, I think he is Hot–very talented and pretty goal oriented. He has been “working it” for all of his two years off AI.At least he is trying.Too bad it does not meet up to all of “your” expectations. You haters let it go please for the love of God. He’s just chasing the American Dream and he is not for us to judge…

  27. Those women haven’t had a relationship since 2005. So sad.
    While he has many gfs because he is normal and the pinks gals are jealous twits.

  28. Goal oriented? His goal appears to party hard with the “kids” and be seen. He should spend more time/effort on his MUSIC, because what I’ve heard so far-S-U-C-K-S.
    Yeah, it’s a “DREAM” he’s chasing alright, being a big STAR is only going to be a dream of his.

  29. I’m only nice to Angie because I am afraid of her

  30. Well at least those girls are prettier than those heather girls! YIKES! Connie musta been seriously doing some drinking that night in Syracuse! Either that or the pickins was awfully slim!
    Slim? Angie? *snort*

  31. Janet, who is this ugly dude and why are you wasting space on him? Strange.

  32. Well at least those girls are prettier than those heather girls! YIKES! Connie musta been seriously doing some drinking that night in Syracuse! Either that or the pickins was awfully slim!
    I’m guessing both.
    Slim? Angie? *snort*
    Yeah, right! Her ass is wider than both my own ass AND my backyard barbecue grill. She’s had to pack on at least 50 pounds the last couple of years. Talk about being grossly obese…

  33. you all need to get lives, im in this photo too and we are friendsss with constantine from newyork

  34. you all need to get lives, im in this photo too and we are friendsss with constantine from newyork

  35. “It’s a gym sock. Cause ITSNOTBIG.”
    Maybe your mouth is too big.

  36. you all need to get lives, im in this photo too and we are friendsss with constantine from newyork
    apparently you need spelling lessons. Maybe if you spent less time partying?

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