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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Ok, we weren’t going to bother spreading this story, but whenever we tell it to anyone they encourage us to do so. So here we go. Keep in mind this is a RUMOR, but it explains a lot. The story goes that when Katie Holmes split with her exboyfriend Chris Klein in March 2005, she may or may not have realized she was pregnant with his baby. She started dating Tom in April, 2005, and according to this tale, when Tom found out she was expecting, he not only didn’t MIND , but he insisted on taking credit for the pregnancy. They abruptly got engaged in June 2005. Since the baby was scheduled to be born too soon into their relationship, Tom and Katie faked the birth date. She actually gave birth months EARLIER than the announced birth. She wore padding for the last few months after the REAL birth, and made sure she was photographed. In case you don’t remember, Suri’s announced April 18 birth was oddly undocumented – there were no hospital records or specifics. Where WAS Suri born? Tom and Katie didn’t want their baby photographed because it would be apparent that Suri wasn’t newborn. After a few months it’s not so easy to recognize a baby’s exact age. Have you noticed that Suri has uniquely slanted eyes like Chris Klein? Keep in mind this is simply a rumor – form your own conclusions.

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  1. Anonymous

    Way back in the 80’s when Tom was married to his first wife, Mimi Rodgers,
    and living in NYC, they wanted to have a child, but after fertility testing, it became known that Tom was sterile. It was in the New York Post. And the NY Post doesn’t lie. It sure does explain a lot, that it’s Chris Klein’s child.

  2. anonymous

    sorry for the multiple postings, it kept saying the post didn’t work….but it did!

  3. anonymous

    I have been reading some of the posts and the ones about Tom being sterile are stories that I remember from way back when he was married to Mimi Rogers. She told everyone he was and once they split she ended up having a baby.
    I do believe the stories about Nicole Kidman too, I think they entered into a ten year contract, I remember joking they would be done at ten years, hmmm again!!! I think she lives in fear of the scientologists!!!
    Katie hopefully your contract isn’t a ten year one, but after claiming Suri is yours, you may be a lifer!!! I feel sorry for your parents, it must be hard seeing you go from a young, bubbly girl, to an empty, shell of a person. Your facial features tell the story.
    I hope everyone stops saying Chris Kline is the dad, I’m afraid he may end up having an accident…or perhaps be abducted by aliens???

  4. Anonymous

    I have always thought that baby Suri was one of John Travolta’s offspring. She looks a lot like his son when he was the same age. Two top scientologists and invetro…hmmm makes you wonder!
    I feel sorry for the little girl, she doens’t look like a real child, she looks like a doll everytime we see pictures of her. Is she allowed to play,or get dirty? Katie is starting to look more and more like Tom Cruise and that empty, blank stare in her eyes really makes you wonder how much of the scientology teachings they are packing her brain with!!!

  5. Anonymous

    My mother and I totally agree with this. We both can not believe that this baby was born when they said it was. My daughter is a few months older than Suri and she is more baby looking than Suri. Suri looks more like a 2 1/2 year old, than a baby younger than 21 months. Give us a break TOM! Who are you trying to impress?

  6. Julie in Australia XXX

    I think your story is oh so true. take a look at the pics when Katie and Tom were in Australia early Jan 06(for Kerry Packers Funeral).The pics of her getting on/off the boat she seems to have put on a lot of weight, which is pretty odd seen as she still had almost 4 months till Suri was born. You dont normally put on weight till the last 6 weeks or so. Im guessing she had Suri late December and she looked so big cause she had put on the wight in the last few weeks and just given birth. Notice all the pics of herall of a sudden around the time shewas due to give birth. She was still wearing jeans and her legs had shrunk from January till April. Its all a sham,someone needs to get a hair sample of the poor kid and tell the world how pathetic Tom is ………..

  7. emma

    this does sound right. not only is tom sterile, he is GAY. 100% gay. and nicole’s pregnancy was caused by ewan mcgregor when they did moulin rouge. she also bonked jude law and broke up his marriage to sadie frost. it’s absolutely chris’ baby and chris may have wanted her to abort it but being catholic, katie said no way and signed a contract with tom to be his “wife” and have his “baby” and in 5 years will divorce him cause “it just didn’t work out” and pocket possibly $40 million bucks or somewhere around there and not worry about being a B movie actress anymore. cause she’ll be loaded.

  8. Adriana

    I think this story could be completely true. The baby does look like chris cline. They got married way too soon. Tom supposedly had katie fly with when she was supposedly like eight months pregnant when women should not be flying at that time. Katie has been letting tom control her but I don’t think any mother would let a man make her get on a plane against her motherly instict. I do think she was wearing padding when she flew. I makes sense.

  9. Zenod

    The father is Zenod, from planet Zargon.

  10. Anonymous

    While I’ll never believe she is tom’s i’m not convinced she’s Chris’s i think she would have told him .. i DO think the dad is josh harnett they were rumored to have had a fling. (oerhaps the reason for the breakup) if you look him up on the imdb suri looks a lot like him

  11. From SWEDEN

    Well i believe she was 4 months in that pic because i had almost more hair than her during my first 4 DAYS in life.. I was born with A LOT of hair on my head .. so she could be 4 months…
    but since her belly shrinked in size, i totally believe this rumor..

  12. Mgretton

    Stop picking on my hero Tom Cruise!!!

  13. Anonymous

    it’s chinese anyway.

  14. Kristina Loken

    This is true and will be substantiated soon when Chris takes action. Chris Klein is the father.

  15. Anonymous

    I believe this Janet – lol – because its too good! Tom Cruise is very weird guy, believe me ;-)))

  16. heidi

    its a good possiblity because there was pics of katie and tom, she was in a silver dress and she looked preggers then and they hadnt be togather for more that a couple of months.. she shouldnt be showing til at least the end of her fourth month … i know i have 5 kids and i can tell. that would explain a lot.

  17. mercedes donoso

    La verdad es que despreden un tfillo hortera que no hay quien lo aguaante.

  18. Marco

    I have to say something> I am the real father. I met her at my father,s restaurant in L.A some time ago and we spent a beautiful few hours on a toilet in a restaurant. She told me she would call me but she did not anymore. That was fine with me.
    Good Luck to her, she is a wonderful young lady.

  19. Anonymous

    burros !!!! tiene pelo porque no se lo cortaron, no la pelaron cuando nacio.
    es identica al padre y tiene la boca de la madre

  20. Dietrick

    As an Dutch actor in LA and step brother to a scientologist and having seen how Tom Cruise lives and acts up close I am hard pressed to dismiss the entire rumor…because it could be very well true!
    Tom is a tatal control freak, also very very smart and has overcome major obstacles in life to get where he is….without a strong accademic back ground making over 300 million! It’s very possible for him to adopt Katie and her bastard child. He is reported to be bi-sexual, like many in Hollywood. Thatseems to come with selfadoration…
    Also, in the end, who cares. He leaves several adopted kids behind that will at one time inherit mega bucks and maybe help the environemnt against people who insist on driving SUV’s, who knows.
    Scientlogy IS A CULT and they punish whom ever writes and acts against them. It’s the money, it’s the control. If it was so spiritual why would they need to have these weird rules?
    The reason that many actors like scientology, to some level or or an other, is that it helps you analyze how we humans think and act and thus help you become a better actor, not human being nesecceraly but more aware of what you are doing adding more control over actions, hence Tom to be control freak.
    But again, who cares? While many throw mud at him and Katie they them self have to make love to some fat old tart with sagging tits and a foul smelling
    v a g ina…
    I was blessed with the ablility to bed intelligent(rare)models and the likes and married one and it DOES make a huge difference in the sack!
    I am NOT talking about that imbecile Paris Hilton, but really nice womam, and in the end it’s really who one is inside.
    I am still working on that, haha.
    I wish them both well. Weather it’s their child or not.
    To see my wife go to:

  21. Dietrick

    As an Dutch actor in LA and step brother to a scientologist and having seen how Tom Cruise lives and acts up close I am hard pressed to dismiss the entire rumor…because it could be very well true!
    Tom is a tatal control freak, also very very smart and has overcome major obstacles in life to get where he is….without a strong accademic back ground making over 300 million! It’s very possible for him to adopt Katie and her bastard child. He is reported to be bi-sexual, like many in Hollywood. Thatseems to come with selfadoration…
    Also, in the end, who cares. He leaves several adopted kids behind that will at one time inherit mega bucks and maybe help the environemnt against people who insist on driving SUV’s, who knows.
    Scientlogy IS A CULT and they punish whom ever writes and acts against them. It’s the money, it’s the control. If it was so spiritual why would they need to have these weird rules?
    The reason that many actors like scientology, to some level or or an other, is that it helps you analyze how we humans think and act and thus help you become a better actor, not human being nesecceraly but more aware of what you are doing adding more control over actions, hence Tom to be control freak.
    But again, who cares? While many throw mud at him and Katie they them self have to make love to some fat old tart with sagging tits and a foul smelling
    v a g ina…
    I was blessed with the ablility to bed intelligent(rare)models and the likes and married one and it DOES make a huge difference in the sack!
    I am NOT talking about that imbecile Paris Hilton, but really nice womam, and in the end it’s really who one is inside.
    I am still working on that, haha.
    I wish them both well. Weather it’s their child or not.
    To see my wife go to:

  22. Anonymous

    I believe it! Not only does Suri NOT look like Tom and He is reported to be sterile, but Suri DOES look like Chris Klein. I feel sorry for the baby, having that lunatic mental Tom Cruise raise her. Katie has already been brainwashed, the baby is next. Some day all those Tom Cruise supporters will see right through this lying control freaks antics. I think Sumner Redstone ddid the right thing. Get rid of Tom Cruise. He is a freak!!!!!

  23. Anonymous

    Yes, Katies eyes are slanted too BUT they are slanted differently than Chris’s and the baby has Chris’s type of slant. Not to mention they also have the same nose shape, lip shape and both have very similar chins! I see Katie in the baby but not Tom. I see a lot of Chris. I bet Tom will help Chris out financially (secretly) or careerwise, to keep him quiet.

  24. Anonymous

    The obvious to anyone with eyes that the baby’s father is Chris Klein!
    For those of you who say “so what”, how dare you? Suri has a right to know who her father is! It matters!
    I can see Tom talking Katie into this…her hormones were raging, he made it a win/win situation. He “fathers” a child, publicly, she gets financial stability and whatever promises he made to her regarding Suri and her future.
    I do believe this is what happened, and if Chris is her father Katie should come clean, now is the time!
    Suri is adorable and I wish her the best, I feel so sorry for her in this mess.
    This is probably why Katie called off the wedding several times now…her conscious is bothering her.

  25. Anonymous

    the baby looks absolutely gorgeous just like elvis, this prooves he is still alive!!!!!

  26. Jessica

    I never thought of that! Suri, short for “surrogate”…
    After two failed marriages, also unable to produce biological children, Tom Cruise is definitely sterile. If he did get some kind of treatment, WE, the public, would know about it. After all, the papparazzi follow him EVERYWHERE. Plus, Nicole’s now pregnant with Keith’s baby, so she CAN produce children. If you have common sense, you will realize that Suri CANNOT be Tom’s biological child.

  27. Anonymous

    Isn’t Suri short for “surrogate”? Hmmmm….

  28. Roshanni

    I agree with you 100%.
    Tom would NOT have appologized to Brooke Shields or ‘save’ people from the sides of the road had his Q score not joined the ranks of Michael Jackson and Pauly Shore.
    The VF spread is just another cheap attempt at rehabing his self-shot image. He shot himself in his own foot for all the bad publicity he and Katie Holmes received. He threatens Paramount from airing South Park episodes about $cientology. This high-school drop-out claims to know more about psychiatry than anyone but does not possess a single degree to back it all up. He proselytizes his cult ‘religion’ everywhere he goes and yet he yells at the media and anyone who asks him simple, direct questions about his ‘religion’. After all this, he expects world respect?! He hasn’t got mine.
    $cientologists are known to buy-out their own Dianetics books to shoot it up to the Best Seller’s list. The amount of VF issues sold within the past week are not the result of people like me who would have bought the issue, but didn’t. Millions of copies of this October VF sold? Hey, I didn’t buy it. And neither did my network of friends. I don’t know ANYONE who did.
    The reality is, no matter how many times he poses with his ‘baby’ (I don’t believe it’s his) or appologizes to Brooke (why after soo long? Why JUST NOW? Why not LAST YEAR?!), he’s STILL the SAME arrogant, obnoxious, self-absorbed ego-maniacal jerk.

  29. Roshanni

    Billy, I agree with you 100%.
    Tom would NOT have appologized to Brooke Shields or ‘save’ people from the sides of the road had his Q score not joined the ranks of Michael Jackson and Pauly Shore.
    The VF spread is just another cheap attempt at rehabing his self-shot image. He shot himself in his own foot for all the bad publicity he and Katie Holmes received. He threatens Paramount from airing South Park episodes about $cientology. This high-school drop-out claims to know more about psychiatry than anyone but does not possess a single degree to back it all up. He proselytizes his cult ‘religion’ everywhere he goes and yet he yells at the media and anyone who asks him simple, direct questions about his ‘religion’. After all this, he expects world respect?! He hasn’t got mine.
    $cientologists are known to buy-out their own Dianetics books to shoot it up to the Best Seller’s list. The amount of VF issues sold within the past week are not the result of people like me who would have bought the issue, but didn’t. Millions of copies of this October VF sold? Hey, I didn’t buy it. And neither did my network of friends. I don’t know ANYONE who did.
    The reality is, no matter how many times he poses with his ‘baby’ (I don’t believe it’s his) or appologizes to Brooke (why after soo long? Why JUST NOW? Why not LAST YEAR?!), he’s STILL the SAME arrogant, obnoxious, self-absorbed ego-maniacal jerk.

  30. Anonymous

    i believe the baby is asian. PERIOD.

  31. Nicola

    After reading some of the other comments I would like to say, first, Sally, you do not do scientology any favours with your foul mouth,f***ing and blinding everywhere. Secondly, I think scientology is a cult not a religion and it is sad, lonely losers who follow it. Third, if you can’t spell please use a dictionary. Thankyou.
    p.s. Before I get any comments about my spelling of the word ‘favours’, this is the English version.

  32. Anonymous

    Nothing like a bunch of scientologists who can’t spell worth shit sticking up for Tom Cruise. How sweet. He’d be proud.

  33. Nicola

    I totally agree with you. I had this theory from day one. It is rather coincidental that ‘Superstud Tom’ could immediately impregnate the new ‘love of his life’ so easily after two childless marriages.

  34. Diana

    I found older pictures of Tom and he had the same almond shaped eyes as Suri. As for the baby looking “older”, my daughter was born with a head full of black hair and even though she was physically smaller than the average baby of her age, she looked older because of the hair. Give it up, besides, Tom and Chris look somewhat alike anyway……..Have you seen Tom’s Mom’s eyes???? She has very pretty almond shaped eyes too….leave them alone…precious baby no matter what.

  35. Martina, Gold Coast

    I believe this story. Suri looks nothing like Tom – she looks exactly like Chris! Tom could never have kids with Nicole – how did he get Katie pregnant then? I don’t like gossip about movie stars etc, but this one just somehow got me wondering.

  36. Anonymous

    kind of believe it…since suri looks like she’s at least 8+ months old…not 5 months… and she also has chris’s pale skin…since both tom and katie are a bit tanned, notice that? i still don’t get how they concealed the birth for so long though! and what about her birth certificate…??

  37. Anonymous

    scientology sucks a big fucking fattie.

  38. Anonymous

    Scientologists are insane. Xenu?! Give me a break!
    A religion made up by a sci- fi writer, yet people still believe it. WOW.

  39. Anonymous

    Who really gives a rat’s ass about where Suri’s DNA comes from? Way to go Tom and Katie for having a beautiful baby and being loving parents! Who cares if Tom is a little “off”? Who is really normal anyway? Not all kids look exactly like their parents. I have 2 kids that don’t look like me, and i know they are mine because i gave birth to them. Give it a rest people. There are bigger issues in the world than this.

  40. Anonymous

    I think the baby kind of looks like she could have been switched with Angelina’s baby, just saying!

  41. Anonymous

    When your pregnant, you can wear close that make your stomach APPEAR bigger or smaller. Face it. It’s a cute kid. And whoever the father [tom], does it concern you? Atleast she’ll be loved.
    Congrats Tom and Katie! You make pretty babies..
    For the rest of you, move on and get a life.

  42. Anonymous

    Yikes-I agree with JC. A baby born in February would make sense. That would explain why the first time we saw her pregnant she looked 5 months preggers. Then at one point she got much smaller, and then she got big again.
    And by the way. If you think that baby is cute, you think all babies are cute.

  43. Anonymous

    I think if you do a google search for images of Suri Cruise, the first thing you will see is a copy of her birth certificate. Guess that disproves your statement that her birth is undocumented, huh?
    People, get a life!!

  44. Cassidy

    All of you need to get over your lives and obsession and realize that anything is possible. I don’t think the baby is Toms…. Were you standing beside Katie for all nine months? No. No one was apparently. So pretty much…it’s up for argument. If you think Katie should sue for this story then you are clearly on crack because it’s a fair argument. Grow up and get over it.

  45. Anonymous

    Entirely plausible.
    But looking at the Suri-Triangle:
    Suri’s eyes actually look most like Katies. Josh Harnett doesn’t look a thing like her, and I think she looks nothing like Tom either. Could be Chris’, but I agree that she does look more like a 9 month old than a 3 month old (Thanks to those for linking to REAL photos of a 3 month old). Suri looks way older than they’re saying she is… and given her supposed parents are shortish (well, Tom is anyway), she really shouldn’t be that big, should she?!