A reader just informed us that Sara Gilbert had her baby August 2 – a girl named Sawyer. Just what she and her girlfriend Allison Adler hoped for. They have a little boy Levi, that Allison gave birth to in 2004. Taking turns at giving birth is definitely a modern concept.
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Worst. NOT The Mother. Ever.
Good for them.
I wish them all the best.
Poor kids–no dad. This two mommy thing is a crock.
Where they dig a dude up to nail her ?
Gee, this looks like the gal that charge me $20 for a quickee at the gas station over near Wilshire Blvd.
Naw, it can’t be her… she had a tight little bottom with trim little figure.
It took for ever to squeeze that load off.
Good 4 them …..looks like they be great moms!!!