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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#colinfirth #janetcharlton

Here’s living proof that not all Oscar winners look good soaking wet. “The Kings Speech” star Colin Firth is having a fun vacation on a yacht but he definitely cuts a more dashing figure in a tux. The object of Bridget Jones’ affection will soon be seen as a con man in “Gambit.” Another Bridget Jones movie may also be in the works…

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  1. MissEva

    He’s a Brit with that usual blue/white pallor, and just a “farmer’s tan” around the edges. Nothing that a week or two in the sun couldn’t cure, provided he abstains from all that super-toxic high-SPF stuff.

  2. Kait

    Wow–unflattering light, bad expression, no photoshop. Some people look normal in real life. Thank goodness.

  3. Denise

    I think that’s the real Strom Patrick. He’s an equal opportunity caboose commentator.

  4. Patrick

    Hilarious fake Strom comment.

  5. Fabu

    Janet, you’re such a bitch about looks… on one hand you like to complain about anorexic looking stars, but you also love to pick on those that look normal… Colin looks fine, I’d pick him any day over some egotistical jerk that has a body full of muscle but nothing in their head.

  6. Strom

    Ha he is one arrogant WHITE and doubts that he has a spare 100k around so the money is as likely to be paid as a WHITE is to leave a waitress a tip, Nada!
    Nothing is as arrogant as a self important WHITE and Colin shows why. Good thing the photo was from the front because his caboose is as wide or wider than even Dom Deluise’s! And even whiter!

  7. baja

    you wanna know how a vagina smiles?

  8. mish mash

    He looks like “regular” people. It’s not like he is freakishly obese. Who doesn’t cut a more dashing figure in a tux?

  9. palermo

    I think he looks fine