Colin Farrell, 34, has packed his bags again. Just when we thought he might be settling down a bit with his girlfriend Alicja Bachleda and their one year old son Henry, Colin hit the road. Colin and Alicja met in 2009 when they filmed “Ondine” together. The Irish actor, who checked himself into rehab in 2005 for substance abuse, has a seven year old son with model Kim Bordenave. He was married to actress Amelia Warner in 2001 and it only lasted five months. Farrell was most recently seen in New York at Bungalow in the company of model Agyness Deyn.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross alldunn feierabend
Colin Farrell is doing something Positive and Healthy for him and saving himself from grief and stress and tention and frustration and when you waste your time staying with a person who is not meant to be a part of your daily life, Then it is better to take it from a girlfriend level to a friend level. And just have the joy of Raising his son together with with mother but in different homes. And always remember the love that was there from the start brought a Child in this world and many years down the road…Even Grandparents some day but we are talking about 25 years down the road.
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross alldunn feierabend
Sometimes lust gets in the way and the long hall becomes problematic and frustrating and sooner or later…When you really get to know the person down the line..Some Dislikes happen and that is something people can’t live with and when your wealthy! You can pack your bags and leave and move to a place of your own and start over again and stay on good terms with the mother of your children.
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross alldunn feierabend
Sometimes couples stay together for the wrong reason and when something is forced..Hates set in and that other person can’t stand you but it is always wrong to stay in a relationship that makes you sad or depressed.
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross alldunn feierabend
If a relationship starts to feel negative and starts to make you feel unhappy…It is best to leave and that way you can still care about each other and move on with a life being single and not having to deal with Drama.
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross alldunn feierabend
Sometimes relationships don’t work and when it is over…It is over and that means it was not meant to be.
Isn’t Farrell old news. I cannot recall his being in a successful movie in the last several years. And I would have thought that the Alexander movie was the kiss of death to his career.
Judging by that photo, all his hair has grown back. The waxing for Alexander must have been very painful.
They have broken up….he must have seen her picking out wedding gown and got cold feet once again. Now….on to the next baby-maker.
model, actress, model. Cyber code suggests next one will be an actress.
captain america
……..and that’s just what they’ll do, folks.
Amen Meg, Amen!
Here is one of the great axioms of life: Women are constantly changing, men never do. Women want everything around them – including their men -to change with them, men want everything around THEM – including their women – to never change.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Disagree. This story is not about children or alimony. If you do your research you will discover Alicja comes from a wealthy background. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had more money than Colin.
Here is the real problem: Women think they can CHANGE the man, and possess powers to turn dogs into bunnies. They believe in love and romance, and that man will return their feelings. If they’re pretty like Alicja they also make a wrong assumption men wouldn’t have a reason to look elsewhere…
I agree w/ Palermo on this one.
I hope he pays alimony/palimony and child support.
If the gals entertain his leprechaun, they should get a pot of gold.
Tell the son he’s smokin when he’s not there for your school and your life in general. Looks fade, but being a father is forever.
Why does evryone assume it was him who left? Maybe SHE changed her mind about him.
Maybe she was tired of living with someone so incredibly hot and sexy!! CF is definitely one of, if not #1 sexiest man alive. He is smokin’!!
Just sayin.
If men want to run around like this it’s fine but stop making babies with everybody you sleep with. These are two kids that will grow up without a dad now.
Bettye Bluejay
Tyra, put a picture of him on ANTM, with a big red X across his face and warn your proteges.
XYZ: Women appear to be getting more stupid these days, making men appear to be smarter (avoiding marriage). Colin is a loose cannon, always a skirt chaser, and he should not be trusted, until he is about 85 years old in a nursing home….and even then….
Idiot ppl…
1. Until his age, he didnt finally understand that he’s not made for marriage?
2. Does he discuss to them that he doesnt want to get married anymore?
3. Stupid women… They have always thought that they can tie a man up by having a child. Well, wrong maths, ladies!
The film ‘Ondine’ was very enjoyable. I hope Alicja is not another Oksana.