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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Colin Farrell is dead serious about getting back into shape after several months of isolation. He and his dog BOTH look exhausted after a run in Los Feliz. Colin had just started filming The Batman when coronavirus struck and he’s been waiting to get back to work. This Batman movie stars Rob Pattinson and tells the story of a young Batman just starting to learn about his superpowers. Colin plays a young Penguin (Danny DeVito played a mature Penguin in another Batman movie) so he wants to fit into his costumes…

Above, Colin is running with his sister Claudine Farrell

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Em

    Batman doesn’t have superpowers Janet….just money.

  2. Damon Hills

    more comic book rubbish…sigh

  3. Kait

    He’s actually just out, running his dog.