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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo via: The Wow Report

At least two of Clint Eastwood’s seven children (with 5 different women) showed up for the premier of J Edgar. We’re familiar with Alison Eastwood, 39, – she’s acted in and directed a few movies and started a clothing line called Eastwood Ranch. Her half brother Scott Eastwood, 25, is new to us, and he looks a lot like his dad. Scott is an aspiring actor and he’s appeared in 7 or 8 movies – his next is “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D” coming out in 2012. The last name of Eastwood opens doors in Hollywood.

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  1. Please

    I guess old white Clint got around huh Strom?

  2. Kitty

    Wow he really got around.

  3. Chicagoland

    Didn’t recognize Alison at all; she’s really slimmed down. Clint cast her as “Mandy” in “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”—in a part that was underwritten, in a movie that was an unmitigated disaster.

    Still, even though she was obviously inexperienced, she didn’t embarrass herself and she looked pretty good–very lush and curvy.

    But that was many years ago, and she hasn’t broken through since. Not really surprised to hear that she’s fronting a clothing line now.

  4. LettucePrey

    Sperm…………it’s what’s for dinner.

  5. Nina T. -

    Hi Indy, Miss Ruiz should know that men like younger women and if they are older than 60, they definitely like someone younger. (that’s from my father who is over 60 and loves loves loves the younger ladies no matter what they look like, sound like, dress like….lol)

  6. Christine India aka Indy

    The intentions of Clint’s wife, Miss Ruiz, was to introduce Clint to her mother as they were very close in age and she thought they would be a good match. Instead of asking the mother out on a date, Clint romanced Ruiz and the rest is history. I think there is about 32-35 year age difference.

  7. Nina T. - Dr. Conrad Murray found guilty.

    Dr. Conrad Murray found guilty.

  8. Diane M

    His mother is (or was) an airline hostess who lived in Hawaii, and they also have a daughter.

  9. Dragonfly

    Clint has 2 grandkids that are older than his youngest child.

  10. Nina

    Who is Scott’s mother?

  11. palermo

    Wow, didn’t realize Clint was so “ghetto”

  12. Patrick

    But seriously, one perfect, woman is enough.

  13. Muffin

    Nice looking kids! The boy definitely has his fathers looks, the girl, not so much. She is very nice looking though. The Old Clintster sure got around.

  14. Seriously?

    Seven children with five different women is all you need to know about Eastwood’s

  15. Denise

    Apparently they felt lucky Patrick.

  16. forrest gump


  17. Patrick

    Five different women!