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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Laughingstock Cisco Adler is shopping at Kitson- probably picking out gifts for Mischa Barton to keep her from dumping him. Ever since the nude photos of his freakish self appeared online, his on-again off-again girlfriend Mischa has been hiding out to avoid the inevitable questions like “What do you SEE in him?” Now he’s really turning on the charm to prove to the world that looks aren’t everything. Inexplicably, we think Mischa is hanging in there.

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  1. Anonymous

    Cisco again he is nobody why waste this site on him He is dirty inside and out just like Paris

  2. Anonymous

    what a bean bag

  3. woody woodpecker

    When is Cisco going to release his comedy porn tapes with Mischa Barton and their friendly mascot,nutty nutsack?

  4. Anonymous

    She can do sooooooooooooo much better. What a loser. Find a guy with an education and a job instead of some moocher.

  5. Anonymous

    cisco had to be higher than a kite..the person that took the picture is a sick predator that is very evil..the picture made us all laugh but again being that high is not a good thing…

  6. Anonymous

    You can see the full color pix at Not that shocking actually kinda cute.

  7. Anonymous

    still laughing

  8. hilton sisters suck has been shut down, I heard. The gossip site IDontLikeYouInThatWay had alot of the pics on the other day, with the scary nutbag among them. Scroll down on the site and you can also see the racist pigs paris and nicky make fun of Blacks, Gays, Poor people, Japanese, and even people who went to public school! Try and google this stuff, too, I’ve seen alot of it in many places. You can see paris with about 3 or 4 other guys, smoking pot, doing coke, on the toilet, see her prescription for herpes medicine, her medical papers from her abortion under a fake name, on and on. She is such a pig.

  9. Anonymous

    HILARIOUS…I’m still laughing…worth the search..a must see!!!!!

  10. Anonymous

    I’m still searching..nuts

  11. Anonymous
    so I hear

  12. Anonymous

    how can I check out the dang “dangler” pix?

  13. Paris

    Cisco is the star in that relationship..MB is worthless and lucky to have been with him as long as she has. Janet, girl, you are so out of touch.

  14. Bev

    Cisco Adler is an unwashed slob with elephant nads,gross disgusting pig

  15. Anonymous

    what site has the nutsack pix?

  16. susan

    Cisco’s father is Lou Adler, a big music producer. Made many hit records since the 1960s. He is still alive. In any case Cisco is another Bev Hills rich kid. What I don’t understand is….yes, those are some low grandpa balls he’s got there, not surprised everyone notices that, I did. But did anyone else notice the big pile of blow on the table next to his foot? Since it’s a picture of Paris’ you know that there are mega quantities of dope around. Why don’t authorities investigate that?

  17. nut

    does kitson sell nutty nutsacks?

  18. nutty

    wow. maybe thats where that scumbag of girls gone wild should go next…get those wasted guys to flash their nutsacks for a t-shirt.

  19. Anonymous


  20. Anonymous

    Ya, he should definitely call the show. Maybe he’ll make some extra money and at the same time help other guys with droopy balls get some help.

  21. Anonymous

    Nothing a quick trip to Dr.90210 can’t fix. Sort of like a boob lift but instead a ball lift.

  22. Anonymous

    that expensive outfit sure makes him look like a dork.
    pun intended.

  23. volleyballs

    his balls hang low and they wobble to and fro. he can tie them in a knot, he can tie them in a bow. he can throw them over his shoulder like a continental soldier, cicso’s balls hang low.
    his father was rockstar. i think he died. cisco inherited his moolah and drives around in his late model mercedes with mischa where he goes to pick up his “prescriptions” for medical mirajuanaa stinky herb. apparently the fake clinic in weho was busted recently by the fbi or dea….like 15 mins after cisco came into the store to pick up his weed.

  24. Anonymous