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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#cindycrawford #janetcharlton

What’s more fun than celebrity yearbook photos! Cindy Crawford can’t brag that she was “unpopular” in high school and a “geek” like many models seem to do. Yearbook pictures don’t lie. It’s quite apparent she was a teenage knockout at DeKalb High School in Illinois. To top it off she was really smart — valedictorian of her class. It’s unlikely that Cindy was ever bullied.
Photos via: Daily Mail

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    Puis-je vous prendre deux ou trois phrases sur un site web perso ?

  2. Strom

    STROM, doesnt require points, like Jenny, we write what we thinks even is its incorect.

  3. Serena

    exactly ?

    Jenny you sound quite foolish, read some basic biology, go to school, remove head from ass. How features are expressed are clearly gendered.

  4. Jenny

    Exactly! Talking complete rubbish. Facial features are NOT gendered.

  5. Patrick

    What’s your point, Junior?
    Or is that you, Strom?

  6. Mandy

    Thought the picture on the left was Gloria Allred. She looks ancient and skeletal.

  7. junior J

    hey lady he’s not obsessed with anal sex per se, he’s obsessed with other people’s anal sex …. ewwww.

    btw, body features certainly can be gendered … like err ..well, like a willy, here’s some silly elementary genetics

    ” Direct sex differences follow a bimodal distribution. Through the process of meiosis and fertilization (with rare exceptions), each individual is created with zero or one Y-chromosome.

    The complimentary result for the X-chromosome follows, either a double or a single X. Therefore, direct sex differences are usually binary in expression (although the deviations in complex biological processes produce a menagerie of exceptions). These include, most conspicuously, male (vs female) gonads.

    Indirect sex differences are general differences in class, as quantified by empirical data and statistical analysis. Most differing characteristics will conform to a bell-curve (i.e. normal) distribution which can be broadly described by the mean (peak distribution) and standard deviation (indicator of size of range).

    Often only the mean or mean difference between sexes is given. This may or may not preclude overlap in distributions. For example, males are taller and usually stronger than females on average,[1] but an individual female may be taller and/or stronger than an individual male.

    The most obvious differences between males and females include all the features related to reproductive role, notably the endocrine (hormonal) systems and their physiological and behavioural effects, including gonadal differentiation, internal and external genital and breast differentiation, and differentiation of muscle mass, height, and hair distribution.”

  8. edward

    too much botox and cheek fillers…and that boring hairstyle. She is looking very unremarkable.

  9. Jenny

    How can facial features be gendered? Both sexes have male and female hormones! The ignorance continues as well as one particularly mentally disturbed poster’s obsession with anal sex. How sad and pathetic.

  10. junior J

    if high school was the best time of our life, you’ve a serious problem, is anyone else seeing the masculine features in her face ?

  11. Richard The Gerbil Gere

    Maybe her face changed due to all the anal sex she’s engaged in. Just sayin…

  12. the beachclub

    this is indeed the best time of your life!!

  13. bill the firemarshall

    yep, this is the best time of your life!!

  14. MissEva

    You think she might’ve changed her hairstyle at least once in the last 50 or so years!

  15. sundance

    obviously had a lot of plastic surgery

  16. Natalie

    Very pretty girl. Her kids are cute, too.

  17. the beachclub

    thehigh school period?

  18. Christine India

    PS: Rande Gerber owns bars and restaurants, employing many ladies.

  19. Christine India

    Her nose job was terrible, too pinched in at the sides…the original schnozz was better.

    I wonder why she puts up with Rande Gerber who has cheated numerous times and one of his waitresses even brought a lawsuit against him, claiming he groped her. Could it be that CC herself is cheating (some gossips say with the ladies???) 🙁

  20. junior J

    use AD BLOCK, totally free, zero ads, works for all OS’s

  21. Obama the Douche

    She also had a lot of facial work done on her. Most obvious is nose, cheeks and eyes.

  22. Thatch

    This site is usung so many “click tricks” to try and show it has more viewers, clicking on advertisers. Bad viewing experience.

  23. mish mash

    Being pretty can make you a target for bullies too.