Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin
Elisabetta Canalis is getting closer and closer to George Clooney. On Sunday she impulsively fell in love with a dog up for adoption in an LA park (we love her for that) and took him home to George’s house. Later she went shopping at Von’s supermarket and she was driving George’s treasured black Porsche. Cindy Crawford thinks Elisabetta is “the one” for George, but does HE think so?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Casonia...Hells kitchen Paul is nice and can really cook and so can Will but Tommy needs to speak up in order to Win and Elisa is going to drive those men crazy with her company...She is mean and disliked and hope and pray she is next on the chopping bloc
The problems with black cars is that it gets really hot and it is alway wise to park it out of the sun.
Casonia...Hells kitchen Paul is nice and can really cook and so can Will but Tommy needs to speak up in order to Win and Elisa is going to drive those men crazy with her company...She is mean and disliked and hope and pray she is next on the chopping bloc
Cindy is really great looking woman and really incredible and lovely and she would really look nice wearing black in this car and…Style and class go hand in hand.
Casonia...Hells kitchen Paul is nice and can really cook and so can Will but Tommy needs to speak up in order to Win and Elisa is going to drive those men crazy with her company...She is mean and disliked and hope and pray she is next on the chopping bloc
George is so amazing and smart and…He does what makes him happy and he can afford it and he can buy ten of them if he wanted to…Mr Clooney is big time and he is coming out with two movies soon and you know his pay check look really good.
Casonia...Hells kitchen Paul is nice and can really cook and so can Will but Tommy needs to speak up in order to Win and Elisa is going to drive those men crazy with her company...She is mean and disliked and hope and pray she is next on the chopping bloc
Gives a new meaning to shop until you drop and this car looks like it is a pretty penny price and…How many car does one person need…Greed is attacking her mind.
Leave him alone! None of your business what he does, whom he likes.
And, Canalis, doesn’t look like his daughter at all! She looks pretty much of his age.
He looks more mature because of his grey hair, but that’s all.
Anyway, I think he’ll get bored of her soon.
She acts too fake, fake smiles, moves..
Hey Reta, the new girlfriends name sounds like Canis. Do you know what canis means? It means Dog in Latin….bwahahaha!!!
HALLELUYAH!! Finally a person with a WORKING brain!!!
I’m with you on the gay thing, anyone who spends as much time as he does in Vegas strip clubs getting lap dances,even taking them home for sex (Sarah Tally) is certainly not gay.
I’m not SAYING the man is sweaky clean, he IS a single man and has been for most of his adult life! He has not been engaged or married (except that one early short marraige). What is bothering me is all these people on here insisting he is GAY when there is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER!!! No one has ever seen him with a man, and there has never been a report of it. These people seem to think every man reported on on this site is gay and I just don’t get it. It doesn’t happen on other sites I visit so I don’t understand the dynamics working HERE!!
Hate to break it to you Reta, but George has cheated on practically all his girlfriends and his wife.
The main reason for his divorce was his extra curricular activities, out with his posse of buddies till all hours, Kimberly (his only African American girlfriend, who was with for almost 3years pre-ER)said he had transported Celine(the French one)from Europe and moved her into an apartment unbeknown to her before they split, Celine was then cheated on with someone he hooked up with a woman in Vegas (there are pictures and a print story of them going back to his room) just days after Celine threw him a big party birthday party in LA. the list goes on and on. Sarah said she knew he had another woman in LA and one in Europe while they were still together,
The latest is he is cheating on the current girlfriend too, a friend of Jamie Grubbs (the Tiger scandal woman) said that her latest hook up with George was 2mths ago, he has been with Elisabetta for 5mths.
Reta, don’t bury your head in the sand, George is not what his PR image promotes.
As for gay…no….bi probably.
Talk about DELUSIONAL!!!! The people on HERE are JUST THAT!!! They think every man around every corner is gay! Now you’re adding a happily married man (Travolta) to the crazy mix. he has had several long term girlfriends before marrying his wife and stayed happy and true to her and yet you loonies want to see imasginary gayness all over him! It boggles the mind!
And Clooney! There is no proof whatsoever of him being gay and never has been. You assholes need to get a life and quit trying to ruin other people’s lives who are completely happy with theirs.
For some reason, this site, and this site alone, does this in record numbers, accuses seemingly all the men on it as gay, not Janet, but the commenters. They are rabidly anti-gay and think every man is hiding his gayness, or hasving “beards”. You can’t win. It just amazes me. I don’t get it. Other sites don’t do this, only here. Grow the fuck up people and get a life. Who the hell CARES what anyone else’s sex life is? Is it REALLY your business? Who made YOU the keeper of the info? Thought not!!
Clooney is NOT gay…He is the opposite of gay…He can have a race with Tiger on conquests! Clooney’s secret is he hides his womanizing behavior because he plays very hard!
palermo, yeah, we’ve heard from all our industry friends that he’s bi, and lainey & ted casablanca have as good as outed him several times. Janet doesn’t want to go there for some reason.
I have heard from someone who knows his family, he is gay. Kelly Preston, that’s hilarious, she is always with the gays, like her current husband Travolta. Some of you people are truly delusional.
Reta, I can see quite well thanks. I see GC’s current whatever all over the web exposing herself publicly and performing sex acts on film. I see the pix of her on various red carpets this past Fall with snotty looks on her face & one where she was obviously insanely angry at GC & he was trying (unsuccessfully) to keep her cool. I see her wearing skin tight hideous dresses (except for the teal, only thing she wore that was classy); one was completely see-thru all over the front & looked like it had a hefty-bag for a train. I see her enlarging on her collection of revolting, and childish tattoos. I know what I see and what I see is a first class skank. People aren’t judged by their skin, hair & features alone. Their judged by their demeanor, taste, and actions.
His current girlfriend happens to be very attractive. I don’t know what’s the matter with some of you people! It’s like you refuse to even SEE! They have been pictured together and she is lovely, one of the best, looks-wise he has been with.
And as for him being gay, your “proof” is because he lives in Italy and has a pool? Are you kidding me? I’m quite sure kid beautiful girlfriend and him do a lot of skinny-dipping together in that pool and have a lot of fun far from the rediculousness of Hollywood.
For some reason this site has a rabid amount of people who see “gay” in seemingly every male that is pictured here. It’s rediculous! What the hell is wrong with you people? You have absolutely NO proof and yet you continue to spout off like you ACTUALLY know something! Why don’t you grow up and act like responible adults? How would you like someone just saying anything they wanted about YOU without your being able to prevent it?
And Cap’n Crazy is the worst of all of you, he is the MOST homophobic prick on the planet and thinks every single male discussed here is a “faggot”! What a disgusting excuse for a human being this asshole is!
LMAO! Naturally Cindy Crawford thinks this nasty looking tranny is the one. That way, when they’re all together, Cindy doesn’t have to worry about being upstaged by a prettier woman. Seriously, GC’s taste is really going downhill.
dee cee
He loves his house and pool boys of the moment, hidden far away in Italy.. Is she the one to ignore his secret love life and live peacefully, with absolute secretly with her lovers, not george too.. is the question?
I think some of you people just see gay people whereever you look. It’s amazing to me. There is absolutely no reason to believe he is gay, and no proof of it. Because he chooses not to marry again? I find that far superior than doing what so many men do, a la Tiger Woods and marrying and then having a string of whores on the side. At least George is honest about saying he wants to remain single and has apparently been faithful to each girlfriend so far while he’s with them until they break up. There has never been any scandel about him cheating on any of his girlfriends, NOR of him being with a man, so knock it OFF!!
He has already said publicly that he will NEVER marry again… as to being gay, what have you heard, Janet????
There is absolutely NO evidence that George Clooney is gay. I don’t know where that story started. Choosing to be single is not a crime!
To L’il Off Broadway: George Clooney was married to Talia Balsam for 5 years and with her for 7 years and lived with Kelly Preston for a number of years…they bought a house together I believe.
Bettye Bluejay
I love George; however, I’ve said it once, and will say it again, just get a load of George parading in Solaris, and it’s clear he’s cruising for action.
^^^^…No one, believed Rock Hudson was gay, and this was decades ago, and this was before they had hi-tech gizmos to catch someone. Yep, only the few discerning ones knew it and for sure, he was gay, dying of AIDS. George is very very crafty.
I don’t know why some of you idiots think he is gay. just where do you get your rock solid information? Does asumption on your parts mean truth? I for one don’t for a second think he is anywhere near gay. He has done nothing but date beautiful women for years and was once married. There would be no reason for him to do this for YOU!!!
In order for her to be perfect for him she’d have to have a penis
Cindyloo – ROFL! My Hwood contacts say the word is that this is NOT the one, he’s just milking this “relationship” for the publicity becuz he really wants an oscar this year & his buddies are happy to help. She will undoubtedly fade away sometime after the Oscars. If GC ever married a woman, she would have to be “perfect”, and the only one he’s ever met married someone else.
chi chi
She has a California driver’s license already? Hmmmmmm.
I’m the one for George ! Not her !
Does Rande cheat with boys or girls or both?
Cindy Crawford is as dumb as a brick. She knows about Rande’s cheating and just looks the other way.
I’m sorry, I just don’t get that picture. When I first saw it, my immediate thought was, why is Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) hunched over, getting into that car?
Why is she standing like that, getting into a car?
L'il Off Broadway
PS: And the main thing (as the first poster said) is: Elisabetta is the wrong sex.
L'il Off Broadway
He is NEVER settling down. The only thing he has ever lost and grieved over was his pet pot-bellied pig, Max. This is the only thing in his past that he wishes he had back…all the other whores that he has shacked with/kept up were forgotten within hours, or minutes. In fact, isn’t EC’s time almost up?
George isn’t getting married. this is all publicity for his movie “Up in the Air” it’s a way to get his name out there. to show he’s considering settling down. he’s not settling down.
captain america
that car is at least six years old.
She looks like his daughter when he stands next to her!
The problem for Elisabetta Canalis is she is a woman.