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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Ed Burns and supermodel Christy Turlington and their two kids Finn and Grace. This is a tight family – Christy’s sister Kelly married Ed’s brother Brian three years ago. Imagine how ALIKE those cousins will be!

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  1. anonymus 2

    Anonymous, you’re right, you have spent a lot of money on illegal and now it’s time to help your people. Just a small detail, you could also do a favor to humanity and the planet and stop sticking their noses trying to tell other countries how they should work, right? They are leading world power for what you are interested to you ….

  2. rachel

    Christy actually seems pretty down to earth – on a flight from San Francisco to NYC for Thanksgiving, I saw her sitting in coach with what appeared to be her friend (or sister?) and kids, and she was not stuck up at all. She is, however, still stunning in person, even after a packed 6 hour flight.

  3. Sebastian Stoker

    Burns and Turlington are proof that not all celebs are decadent, self-centered air-heads. I have always respected and admired both. Their kids will be the ones to watch 20 or 30 years from now, and not because they are club-hopping or embroiled in some scandal.

  4. Anonymous

    Even more proof that we are living in the last days, the end times. Only the well-read and discerning can know it.

  5. Anonymous

    FYI: Obama is not Muslim.
    also, when Bush was president, your nutty comments about him and his administration would have placed you on a wire-tap, mail-snoping list, as an enemy of the people. So now all you nuts are speaking up now. Keep it to yourselves, or just keep mumbling as you walk around loose on the streets without a job, just like always, because you’re all on mental disability payments.

  6. pullnopunches

    Bush and Cheney sucked. So does Obama and Biden. We have no one with leadership abilities. We will soon be under total control of the government. Many think Obama was put in with Muslim money and, since Obama is a Muslim, they are demanding he do all he can to bring America down. And guess what, he’s doing it. Millions of jobs are still being lost daily. How is giving AIG, banks, and car dealers billions of dollars helping poor Joe Schmoe that just lost his job?

  7. Anonymous

    The Republicans have always been stingy and never wanted to help anyone, the Democrats are very generous and want to help everyone but not with their own money with everyone elses, they’re going overboard with the spending. Now they plan to give Mexico over a Billion to help fight the drug problem, as if we haven’t already spent Billions on the illegals that are here. We need to help our people our citizens forget everybody else for now.

  8. gerard Vandenberg

    ………………….THEY’RE HUMAN!!

  9. Anonymous

    please get laid anonymous angry person

  10. Anonymous

    This man is ignoring the will of the people.
    The People are angry at govt and the Media.
    Make English the Official language
    Enforce our Laws , stop giving our money
    to other govnts and Illegals.
    Implement E-verify. Society is at a
    breaking point.
    I forsee a another Civil War brewing,
    GOD help us.

  11. Anonymous

    JANET, I am not any of the above posters: Maybe you can put up a subject titled something like “Political opinions” or such. With these tough times and unusual things happening, we could vent on this. Thanks for considering it.

  12. Anonymous

    1:16 You chicken s___t! Why didn’t you open your big trap when Bush and Cheney were raping the US, and any other country they could loot. Shut up!

  13. Dieter

    Times are tough in America, the supermodel can’t afford the cab. Did they invest with Jewish financier/criminal Bernie Madoff?

  14. Anonymous

    tea parties are brewing and so is the revolution.