#christinaaguilera #janetcharlton
Don’t expect Christina Aguilera to jump at that two million dollar offer to be the face of a dating site for “big and beautiful” women. In fact, she will most likely totally IGNORE the offer. Of course, Christina SAYS that she’s perfectly happy with her added weight but she does NOT consider herself a plus size! That’s a slap in the face! This embarrassing public offer might even be the motivation she needs to drop a few pounds so her clothes fit better.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Poor Brandy…..must not have enough noodles to comment on the thread at hand, so targets a poster.
‘tina is known for hitting on female strippers and well known for a quickie affair with major dyke Sam Ronson. She just isn’t into men (at least in private).
dark sided
Wow!She is gotten very fat.
She’s FAT!
hey Strom !
whats with your sick obsession about other’s sex lives ? don’t you have one of your own ?
oh … sorry .. of course you don’t
The last post was by the little imposter….it just gets its jollies, I guess, when it can be like the real thing.
As mentioned:
She has a hispanic butt, it will never be small……however, she was very happy to have Sam Ronson locked between her legs like a beaver knawing on wood chips! Look it up if you dont believe it.
don’t know what she ate or did but she is nothing like the Christina of a couple years ago. She is almost unrecognizable
Shelby, I agree with you. Face it, there is a double standard for women and men. I am sick and tired of females being picked to shreds over their looks and weight. She is not some trah bag like the Kard. clan that has no talent or made their money solely off selling her body. She can sing. She is not large and as you say I am sure she looks a damn site better than the ppl on this site who need to reinforce this horrible anorexic body type pushed on young girls.
you’re far more disgusting Strom, she’s merely obese
yuck , what a porker, a real fat pig. disgusting as OPRA, likes it you know where, a knarly lesbian KFC fatty obese gross many fluids here, BLACK LOVER Morgan Freeman too
Strumpet's Trumpet
we’re not buying the ” just need to lose 2 pounds ” red herring Christina, admit it, your a heifer, just like your name sake, and probably need to lose 20 kilos or more !!!
Everyone needs their essential illusions.. right ? eh … Miss “Lakes O Fire “
Christine India
Chomping down on fatty bar snacks and Cristal champagne = recipe for unhealthy fat. But if she feels OK with it, who cares. Just makes me feel better that I only need to lose 2 pounds.
She may have a screw loose in the noggin, as she dumped her hubby for apparently no reason at all and I think he is the main caregiver. Also, there are many pics in rag mags of her stumbling out of bars at 3 AM drunk as a skunk. I think she is in denial about her weight and alcoholism.
I’m not a huge Christina Aguilera fan, but I think she looks perfectly healthy. Why is it that when a celebrity gains a few pounds, ignoramuses like Paula, above, make stupid comments about it? I’d be interested to see what Paula looks like! A woman should have curves, not look like a pencil. An older man I used to work with called women with no shape “6 O’clock”. Straight up and down. I did a poll among guys I know of different age groups, and every single one of them (and I asked 35 guys) said they like a woman with curves, not ones who look like a stick. It’s people like you, Janet, who keep this unrealistic image going that causes young woman after young woman to want to look like their skin and bones idol, and get sucked into anorexia. Shame on you, Janet Charlton. And the rest of you haters, too.
I have seen pictures of her mother and they are looking the same. Maybe getting clothes that fit is a better idea than trying to be the 100 pound person that she was as a teen.
much ado about nothing
Steve Canyon
“Fat” on her body is like cream on a pie.
MissEva, that’s the spanx making all the lumps in odd places.
mish mash
Turns down $2million dollars? Why doesn’t she try working at a $10 an hour job and see what it’s really like to work. She may be talented but she comes from a chubby family and is a chub. Dress appropriately for her body type and she would look fantastic. But it’s insulting to hard working people to have her sniff at $2mill.
Big, yes. Beautiful, not at all! Lopsided breasts and legs like stumpy sausages straining to burst their casings!
Its a hispanic butt……she was very happy to have Sam Ronson locked between her legs like a beaver knawing on wood chips!
Or perhaps she should dress more according to her current weight & age. She’s not a big girl it’s her clothes that seem to have gone a diet. Regardless, she has a great voice.
I think she also had butt implants or injections, her “Kardashian” butt is not just from gaining weight
thats me
Oink! Oink!