Christie Brinkley and John Mellencamp both look happy and this is the fourth or fifth time they’ve been seen out together. Today they visited an art gallery in Chelsea.The best thing about this photo is the fact that John is NOT smoking and we rarely see him without a cigarette.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Thursday, October 15, 2015
i really hope this does work out for them both. i never did like meg ryan and i wont even get started on that, but i am glad JM is gone from her. christy is cool, she knows JM and she knows how he is and she knows shes taking a risk. and all of you that are calling being in the 60’a age bracket, if you aint there YET (YOUR ELEGIBLE TOO), shutup. you havent earned the right to say nothing, cuz youre just now discovering what we in our 60’s age bracket already know.
I think I saw her at a Jerry Lawler wrestling match for the Boys & Girls Club. Ask her, cause on Saturday nights in UC they have wrestling downtown and they look like they could pass as some hicks. As look at her designer outfit there. Mellencamp is in there. Keep her laughing, tell her she gives you a woody. Then, ask her if she has any Gibson sandpaper.
Jillian Scrimwith-Simpson
She is smiling due to the nicotine injection.
They’re both smiling (which we didn’t see with Meg) so something is going right. Wonder what that could be? hmmmmm
God, why is she with this skank?
Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone. Two American Senior citizens doin the best that they can.
Maybe he seems familiar to her because of Billy Joel….the shorter, less attractive (than her), musician. If they’re happy together, then who cares. And maybe it’s not that she doesn’t pick the right guy, but that *she* is just not marriage material to begin with.
what else?
they both need eachother in the homes for the elderly.
The only reason he was not smoking is because he just came out of a building, but the ciggies are there. Dont understand how she can stand being around this 3-packs a day smoker. She must be desperate! She even dresses tacky for him. OMG Christie, 4 divorces and you still pick the wrong ones?