Photo Credit: Splash News
Terminator Salvation beaten at the boxoffice by Night at the Museum 2, but Christian’s costar in this movie stole the show just like Heath Ledger did in The Dark Knight. Realistically, Australian actor Sam Worthington doesn’t match the charisma of Heath, but he did manage to stand out next to Christian in Terminator and he’s getting lots of attention. Christian’s characters often seem to be terse and angry, while his costars reveal more personality. Bale’s popularity took a dive after that tantrum tape appeared online. Having Sam Worthington steal his thunder doesn’t help.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Who’s Gerard Vandenberg? Bale’s agent??? LOL
Bale showed his true colors. He’s a one note actor and a real life prick. Go home and yell at your mother CB.
gay tallywacker
Bale’s rant was an immature reaction. He obviously thinks that he is someone important to direct such anger at someone. Grow up and get a real job a**hole. I have no respect for the guy.
Oh for heavens sake she’s only 4 and she’s clearly not too fond of the whole situation so of course she wants to be carried by her dad, and why on earth would he smile to his daugther just to look happy for the media? Seriously…*rolls eyes* the pictures are really sweet and just shows how down to earth he is and how he cares for his family and that his daugther is a daddy’s girl 😀 and that’s so nice! And if he’d smile for the media it wouldn’t be to put up a happy face to show he’s not disappointed, it would probably be because he’s glad that Sam Worthington is taking all the media’s attention… geez! Christian Bale truly is the best thing going on in Hollywood… and the whole movie industry for that matter 😀
gerard Vandenberg
A man who is carrying his kid of seven years old like this just for the pictures is an uncertain & pathetic asshole, folks!!
But, yeah, I'd still do him.
I’ve got to agree with “Heath” on this one. And I suspect that the rant was leaked to send a not-so-friendly message to Christian and his Terminator-sized ego.
I like Bale and I think he’s the best thing going in Hollywood.
Heath Ledger
The biggest mistake of McG was to cast Christian Bale as the role, especially with Bale being Batman. McG is going to McFired from the T series. They will now have to reboot the reboot.