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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s common knowledge that when Chrissy Metz signed her contract to appear on ”This is Us” she had a weight loss clause. Producers wanted her character on the show to document her struggle while losing weight. Chrissy agreed – she welcomed the motivation. To everyone’s surprise, however, she lost control and gradually GAINED weight during the series. Now she’s defending her weight gain, insisting that she’s never been healthier. We think she’s in overwhelming DENIAL…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Dick

    My compassion lies with the firefighters who will have to haul her out of her house when she can’t get out of bed anymore. And let’s not forget the poor nurses in the hospital who will permanently injure their backs when being forced to get her out of bed several times a day. Her condition victimizes many.

  2. Diva

    Bullying is bullying Janet.

  3. Bonnie

    Leave her alone. It’s her body.

  4. lippp

    Morbid obesity is a disease. It is so defined by the American Medical Association and is covered by many health care policies. So what she is saying is she never better as a sick person which is not the same thing as feeling healthy.

  5. Hilary Grant

    Writer Roxane Gay wrote a memoir a year or so ago called Hunger. Gay is a big woman, probably as big as Metz, and she talks about all of the health issues she has had to endure. She is very, very slowly losing the weight, simply so she can feel better and stronger.

  6. katy

    Janet’s fat shaming on this site is disgusting.

  7. AFFA81

    ask her feet how healthy they feel carting her body around…..

  8. becca

    If she actually believes that, she’s mentally ill!

  9. butthead

    trump too, hahahahahahahahahahah