MOST actors, when promoting their movies, make sure they have good hair – even if it involves augmentation. Chris Pine shocked us when he showed up at the CinemaCon convention in Las Vegas looking quite BALD! Last time we saw him he had one of the best heads of hair in Hollywood. Is he playing a hairless fellow in his next film? It turns out, no, he just shaved his head with clippers at home out of sheer boredom and a desire to look different! He still manages to look appealing. Chris admits that someone at the event mistook him for Jason Statham and he found it amusing.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Friday, March 31, 2017
He is a poof?
Papa Don't Preach
And what the hell is up with those sansabelt double knit slacks and the PeeWee Herman pullover? Has he been shopping at a vintage 70’s used clothing store?
Papa Don't Preach
It should be a criminal offence for a man with a good looking head of hair to buzz it off.
………..what’s inside.