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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


One glance at this photo of Chris Pine looking quite snazzy and relatively clean-shaven, and we assumed he’s been working on a project that takes place in the 1950’s. We were RIGHT- he’s promoting his TNT drama I Am the Night, directed by Wonder Woman’s Patty Jenkins. It’s inspired by a true story about an adopted teen living in Reno who makes an astonishing discovery about her past that causes her to go to LA to find her real family, thus opening a huge can of worms. Chris Pine plays a reporter obsessed with her story – unlike many actors, Chris has no ego problems with playing second fiddle to a female lead.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Wilson

    Looking forward to seeing this one!

    Sounds good and agree that Chris Pine is a great actor!

  2. peewee

    just start a talk about women in thongs!!

  3. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    …and nonetheless the “female lead” doesn’t merit a mention by name in this column?

    Will the latent misogyny never end??!! 😀

  4. Carmella S

    Very odd