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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


You can tell that Chris Pine’s girlfriend Annabelle Wallis is from the UK because she’s wearing a tweed coat in LA. It’s also clear that Chris is an LA guy because he combined a cashmere hoody with Birkenstock sandals. They were photographed approaching Gelsen’s market with some trepidation today, but they walked out smiling, having found most of what they wanted, with no indication of hoarding. We didn’t realize that Star Trek star Chris, 39, is Quentin Tarantino’s favorite actor “in his age range.”

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Liza with an L

    Quentin Tarantino? Just so no dahling!

  2. Dick

    Listen here, mama, perverts need to stick together. I come from a long line of Dicks and don’t you forget it!

  3. Mama

    No one cares what the fugly misogynistic pervert thinks.

  4. Wilson

    White Birkenstock’s?

    Hope he at least got a pedicure.