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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We always thought “Coldplay’s” Chris Martin, 34, was a sourpuss with a condescending attitude. He hated the press, resented being photographed, and seemed ungrateful for all his success. In a rare interview with CBS Sunday Morning (whatever THAT is) he actually said something nice about his wife Gwyneth Paltrow and revealed she was his first and only romantic partner. (QUITE a statement from a rock star.) He modestly admitted he felt like a loser who “won the lottery” when he married the Oscar winner. (Despite her debatable flaws, Gwyneth DOES seem like a great mother and wife.) So we readjusted our opinion of Martin – maybe he’s an introvert and not as ungrateful as he seemed to be.

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  1. Bluejay

    Well, whatever, Gwyneth is pretty, and she can really act, and that makes her enjoyable.

  2. dee cee

    Get prepared for the quick breakup and split after christmas..

  3. Natalie

    I don’t know anything about Chris Martin, but what I know of Gwyneth Paltrow I can’t stomach.

  4. TxGal

    Is it that time when Martin and FishStick have to prove to everybody that their marriage is wonderful LOLOL

  5. forrest gump

    he hates it when his boy friend see him with a woman, folks.

  6. emma

    CBS Sunday Morning (whatever THAT is)…a news show filled with information on our world and people in the world; show appears on Sunday morning on CBS. You’ve heard of CBS…come don’t have to be condescending about the news.

  7. Tinchy

    I completely agree with Deb.Plus I hate Gwens: my shit don’t stink attitude.She is very abnoxious and he is a cheating liar.They both deserve each other!

  8. Kitty

    That’s OK, whatever he lacks in the obnoxious department, the pompous, arrogant, spoiled America bashing bitch he’s married to makes up for it.

  9. Bluejay

    Janet, of course you don’t know what CBS Sunday Morning is, you are always out late on Saturday nights.

  10. pixie larue

    Cold Play is so ‘played out’ Chris needs to finally play the ‘I’m married to a celebrity’ card. Little does he realize that the majority of Americans despise the snooty Gywneth and her ‘perfect’ life.

  11. Tagg

    LOL! Oh Janet…please tell me you are trying to be sarcastic! “Whatever CBS Sunday Morning show is”?!!! It’s only been on for 25 yrs…

  12. Indy

    She was knocked up when she married him; per inteview on ellen degenerate show. Every time I see her pic, I think of how thisclose she came to marrying Brad Pitt. They lived together for about a year and were photo’d twice on their balcony in their birthday suits, this per National Enquirer, verified.

  13. Deb

    I think he wants to sell albums.

  14. Muffin

    I kind of thought the opposite. His comment doesn’t really sit right with me. How is it possible that a man of his age and in his profession never had a girlfriend before? Is Martin saying he was a slut or a homo, a prude or just a frigid man? Or was he trying to say he does not have much experience with women and therefore in his opinion, “he won the lottery”? He really has nobody to compare her to now does he?

    I guess she probably is a good wife and mother but I will never enjoy her as an actress or songstress.

  15. Anon1

    Nope still a douche

  16. Denise

    Being shy or self conscious should not be mistaken for being condescending. Of course I always thought she was the obnoxious one in that relationship.

  17. chris

    Is is true he’s now making up for time lost in the chasing tail dept.?

  18. chris

    Humility all of a sudden might boost lackluster sales.

  19. Perry Oh-no

    Was he sober when he made that statement?