
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Chris Kattan, who just became engaged to a model named Sunshine Tutt, can’t believe his good luck, but has no intention of giving up his female friends or an occasional hug. Here he is after having lunch with a group of pals at Cafe Med on Sunset. He gave Rebecca Gayheart, who’s married to Eric Dane, a squeeze in the parking lot before departing.

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  1. He seems creepy to me.Something just aint right about him……Oh No

  2. He seems creepy to me.Something just aint right about him……Oh No

  3. He seems creepy to me.Something just aint right about him……Oh No

  4. I didn’t know CKattan could afford a beard…Corky Romano paid that much?

  5. Casonia..Hells Kitchen would all be about holding your tongue and..Listening and gather understanding in the direction he wants to take you..Learning his food and being gone for 8 weeks! says:

    The Heart wants what it want and a major crush can turn into love.

  6. Casonia..Hells Kitchen would all be about holding your tongue and..Listening and gather understanding in the direction he wants to take you..Learning his food and being gone for 8 weeks! says:

    Love is finding some one completely attractive and your just looking at them like they are a piece of candy.

  7. Casonia..Hells Kitchen would all be about holding your tongue and..Listening and gather understanding in the direction he wants to take you..Learning his food and being gone for 8 weeks! says:

    Love is like seeing them and only them when there is like a room full of pictures.

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