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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Poor Cheryl Hines. The Curb Your Enthusiasm actress has been known to walk a fine line between her well-connected Hollywood friends and her unconventional thinking husband Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Cheryl’s already lost a few friends due to Bobby’s anti-vax beliefs and conspiracy theories on the Covid vaccines. (Remember- he wrote an anti-Dr Fauci book) Now that he’s running for President, our source says Cheryl’s social life is in decline. But what can she do? As soon as she publicly endorsed her husband’s long shot candidacy, more of her remaining friends jumped ship! My source says that a number of Cheryl’s friends are avoiding her calls and stopped inviting her places. She went from popular to social outcast in a matter of weeks. That’s not what you expect when you marry a Kennedy!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. EMG

    Sounds like she must have had a bunch a fake Hollywood friends, so no loss!

  2. azc

    Ihatethebothofthem is absolutely right, I used to know this…person. After hooking up with Mr. Crazy she rang her mom in Florida to brag: “Guess what, I’m dating a Kennedy!” Also he had his suicided wife’s grave moved out of the family plot. It’s all public knowledge

  3. Ihatebothofthem

    She’s a disgusting excuse for a human being who knowingly had an affair with a married man, leading to suicide of his wife. I don’t care what his wife’s problems were…a good person doesn’t date married men with children. And I don’t believe for one second that she doesn’t share his wacked beliefs. She’s simply a spineless piece of shit.

  4. emmy

    The Kennedys are so over rated

  5. Anonymous

    Not much of a circle of friends. Hope she does better with new ones.

  6. Lifebuoy Louie

    Many of the Kennedy ‘s were fine intelligent people . He isn’t one of them. She’s a star seeker

  7. Jane

    He’s a fruitloop. She should run, and not for president.

  8. Diva

    She married a nut job.