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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Cher is on a breakneck last minute tour of cities where she’s performing and hosting fundraisers for Hillary Clinton. She’s been all over the place – from Boston and Chicago to Detroit and Florida. We haven’t seen her this excited since she campaigned for Ross Perot! Cher makes plenty of anti-Trump speeches to entertain voters – most of which are x-rated. She recently compared Donald Trump to the pig-tailed malevolent blonde child in the movie “The Bad Seed.”

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Scooby Dubious

    Yep, Hilldawg–We Really Do!

    This creature from the dark forces should have made her concession address at night, when she’s most comfortable.

    And it should have been the inverse of Sally Field’s famous Academy Award speech: “Wow, You hate me. You REALLY HATE ME!” 😀

  2. Mona

    Should have been: “at worst…” and
    “…are sure to be pumped…”

    (We should know better than to type while deliriously happy. And before anyone chimes in–we didn’t support DT, but recognized him for what he was: the only VIABLE alternative to HRC.

    What the Dems, the Hollywood establishment, the MSM, and others failed to recognize was that ANYONE else would be a better choice than Hillary. Yes. She’s *that* bad. Amazing that she “won” the popular vote; frightening, too. She can probably thank the likes of Clooney and OPRAH for that.

    The US has dodged a lethal bullet. What will Trump do? Well, I guess we’re all going to find out in good time.)

  3. Mona

    So, THAT happened (Thanks, God!)–and all the rich, removed-from-reality “stars” such as Cher are left with exactly what, for their support of a criminal enterprise?

    Well, for one thing, their fans know who they really are–puppets, at best; at worse: propagandists for the encroaching American oligarchy.

    A bright note for Hollywood products pushers: sales of “Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!” are sure to pumped after last night’s reckoning.

    Now, off to help Barbra pack her sh*t, so she can make good on her promise, and get the hell out. Look out, Australia! 😀 😀 😀

  4. Daggers

    Most all celebs and well known stars are Demoncrats.

  5. Palermo

    Cher looks embalmed, time for a makeover and to lose that wig. As for the Presidential election, for the first time ever I despise both of them and am leaving that box unchecked.

  6. tagg

    If you took the time to watch any interview Cher gave before, during and after the Farewell Tour she clearly said she would never TOUR again. She never said she was retiring from performing or movies or music. Her fans dont care about semantics and her new shows in Vegas and DC next year are already sold out. She doesnt need anyones charity money, if you dont want to spend it on her than dont. There are plenty of people who do…

  7. Canada Girl

    Didn’t know you hated her so much.

  8. FYI

    “Living Proof: The Farewell Tour (also referred to as simply The Farewell Tour and later dubbed The Never Can Say Goodbye Tour) was the fifth concert tour by American singer Cher…”

    It’s true: Cher has never marketed her “retirement” for $$$$.

    And those are her original breasts, cheeks, etc.

  9. Mona

    Not disputing her right (or that of anyone else) to speak freely.

    Merely pointing out that the Hollywood cadre that is beating a drum for Hillary may have the means to outshout the truth, but the truth remains.

  10. Wilson

    Cher is an ignorant person, she doesn’t read much, has a closed mind, a very low IQ and a very big mouth, much like Robert De Niro. Still, they are entitled to their opinion, as are we all.

  11. Mona

    You neatly sidestep the fact that Cher is carrying water for a CRIMINAL.

    The false Republican/Democrat paradigm has nothing to do with that.

    And if you think that people won’t remember Cher’s propaganda tour on behalf of a mendacious, crooked, “politician,” then you are as naive and as misguided as she is–as are Katy Perry, Clooney, Pharrell, Beyonce, Jay Z, etc.

    Hillary Clinton may be the most unpopular (that is, a VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE DON’T WANT HER)–public figure in American history.

    Hence the hysterical demonization of anyone who would dare stand in the way of her coronation.

    The Big Lie at the heart of her candidacy is the means by which this country as an institution supposedly governed by the rule of law, is dying before our eyes.

    Many, many Americans have awakened to that reality, unimpeded by the screeches of the lackeys of criminality, such as yourself.

    Yeah, we get it: (Future US President) Hillary Clinton is “too big to jail.” That mantra was also probably true of Mr. and Mrs. Ceausescu–until, of course, the very unfortunate moment in time when it wasn’t.

    And “moron?” Check the mirror, assh*le.

  12. tagg

    Why do insecure and jealous women think a celeb has any less right to free speech and to vote? The fact that Cher hosting a fundraiser will raise $$$ is enough for Hillary. Btw, Cher has so much $$$ she doesnt need QVC or comeback tours since she never retired. And if any moron thinks Cher was a Republican than you are delusional.

  13. Beachy

    Why do famous people think that their political opinions mean squat to anyone else? Just another example of their over-sized egos.

    Given the fact that she is so totally irrelevant, this is hilarious.

  14. Mona

    A long-awaited political endorsement from Cher??!!

    At last! Now we can all bleat, er– VOTE with confidence.

  15. jojo

    I just can’t wrap my head around supporters of this corrupt politician or the crazy real estate developer. Both sides accusing the other of various crimes when BOTH `have so much wrong with them.

  16. beavis

    what does it cost ya?

  17. HalfBreed

    Love both of them!!!

  18. Sue Ellen Miskee

    Hillary Clinton belongs in prison.

  19. Scooby Dubious

    Aha. We see what you did there with the header. 🙂 Does this mean that the feminist trope, “Vote for her, she has a vagina!”–is losing steam, in the wake of the multiple confirmations that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a criminal mastermind?

    Just asking.

    Most critical thinkers came to that conclusion long ago. Have to wonder what dirt the overlords have on Cher that she would humiliate herself in this way.

    She may find that hawking her potions on QVC–and selling comeback concert tickets–may not be so easy in the future.