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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Warner Brothers just made a truckload of money because Charlie Sheen was persuaded to do two more years of “Two and a Half Men.” It’s just been renewed for syndication for 7 more years for untold millions of dollars. The show is already the number one syndicated comedy and it’s expected to deliver for decades, like Friends or Seinfeld. That’s why Warner Brothers agreed to pay Sheen an astronomical 1.25 million per episode and ignore his personal problems. Does Charlie realize he might be the luckiest actor alive?

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  1. Pippa-London

    7 more years of dustbin rubbish.

  2. Teflon

    Charlie has done enough drugs to kill a herd of elephants, I don’t imagine he’s long for this world. How much more can a 50 year old’s body take?

  3. Monah Garrett

    Teddy, generally shows have to run for x number of years in order to be packaged for syndication. But even give that, the shows are often shaved of time in order to provide maximum room for advertising spots, and, typically, only the highest rated shows from a given run make it into the package. That’s why some shows seem much “funnier” in syndication than you remember them being during their first regular series airings.

  4. Mel Zipskin

    They’re smart. Doing what Sony did to Mike. They know the guy could od to death at any moment, making the show more watchable. They’re just looking out for number one, the bankers. As if they give a shit for Charlie he’s a cash cow like Britney unlike Brit he’s too old to have his father as a conservator.

  5. Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel

    Here’s to Charlie’s soon to be announced
    shocking news; “Charlie Sheen Found Dead By OD.”

  6. Teddy

    i wish biz press would explain how a sitcom is Selected to go into syndication, and who exactly buys it? These salary-per-episode figures are not to be believed. Corporate Fraud isn’t just within the networks (which it is) but also in syndication rights. Lots of really great sit coms never make it into syndication. Why?

  7. SebastianCanada

    Cal, like his character, Charlie probably suffers from various sex-addict injuries, including a hernia. Hence the old man walk.

    Sheen sure does look much older than his 40-something years. Wonder when it will dawn on the guy that he has already crossed the line — that when he was younger employing hookers was about power and convenience, but now it is the only way outside of marriage that he is ever going to get laid?

  8. Lenny

    Muffin, I don’t think he’ll kill one his ex-wives, but he might kill one of his hookers.

  9. Muffin

    “Helena Handbasket” agreed 100%. He IS gonna crash, and when he does it will be a question of who goes down with him. This man is dangerous because he has money and influence.
    OJ Simpson ring a bell to anyone?

  10. cal

    The lifestyle has taken a toll on his looks, his skin looks as old as his fathers, make up can only hide so much and Hi-def shows all.

    He even trots around with the ‘old man walk’ – in 5 years time (if he is still around) playing that character continuing with younger woman as f**k buddies – just laughable, gross and unrealistic.

  11. cal

    there must be serious dollars to be made from insurance for when he finally does himself in – there is no way he is going to live another 7 years!!!

  12. PitBullLover

    the height of nitwittery and king of douchbaggery
    this POS isn’t worth $1.25 an episode.
    i loathe him.

  13. Helena Handbasket

    I think he’s heading for a monumental crash the likes of which we have never seen in this town. Sheen’s been incredibly fortunate in recent years, in spite of his efforts to do himself in in spectacular fashion… but then, luck always runs out.

    And when (not “if”) that happens, family-friendly CBS/WBT (who were astute in negotiating a morals clause into his last contract) will drop Debau-Charlie like a hot potato. IF he survives the fall, that is.

  14. SebastianCanada

    The luckiest actor alive? The luckiest man alive more like. What other man regularly takes massive dumps in the middle of his life, for all the world to see, and gets rewarded for it?

  15. wim

    two minutes to twelve?