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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Charlie Sheen is far more disgusting than you ever imagined. And he totally DESERVES every bad thing that’s happened to him. Did you know he contracted HIV from a TRANSSEXUAL lover in 2011 and armed with that diagnosis, continued to have sex with as many men, women, and transsexuals he could get his hands on! And he NEVER revealed his illness! As people from his inner circle started talking, he THREATENED (Charlie has lots of guns) /or paid them off, handing out MILLIONS. Remember when he held a knife to his wife Brooke Mueller’s throat during that meltdown in Aspen? He did it because Brooke had filmed him having sex with a man she also slept with, and she threatened to release it if he didn’t give her more money. He didn’t want his fans to hear about the gay sex. Egomaniacal Charlie also took photos of Brooke’s crack pipes and drug paraphernalia to hold over HER head. Nice. Many people around Sheen seem to be as revolting as he is. He lied about everything. The editor of The National Enquirer revealed all this and MORE to The Hollywood Reporter this week. Read it – the truth IS almost too insane to believe!

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. David Young

    The fact that Sheen is BI does nothing to harm his public persona more that he already has. Crack Cocaine users are automatically stamped with intense curiosity of same sex liason’s, and during these periods of enhanced arousal more than not seek out their fantasies. If crack we’re on the market legally, it would have a multitude of warnings, one of which would read: High possibility of sexual activity with same sex partners. Of course he was born with the innate possibility of desiring sex with men. However some men only begin practicing homosexuality when they become drug induced and totally uninhibited, it can’t be denied at this juncture. This does not include everyone, just those with subliminal thoughts.

  2. bill the firemarshall

    some drunk people are uncontrolled human beings.

  3. Grossed out beyond words

    Charlie is revolting. I don’t understand what any woman finds appealing in him. It makes me wonder what pathology Brooke Meuller and Denise Richards suffer from.

  4. Palie

    I wonder what diagnosis a psychiatrist would give him?

  5. sandyRED

    Charlie — Ur a Has-Been — and ur life is going downhill FAST!!!!!!!!!!! You deserve every BAD thing that is happening to u. You have major disorders.

  6. Diane

    I agree.
    I havent been able to stand him since the 80’s …when he was a REAL actor ..he has sucked for a LONG time . Why did everyone give him a pass? even that network show was just stupid sex innuendos . He looks and acts like a miserable asshole .
    KUDUS to Janet for saying it like it is here ..she must know she could get crap for this ..I noycie it isnt on TMZ .

  7. Palermo

    You could see for years and years that he was a crackhead lunatic. Someone who knowingly tries to infect another person with the AIDS virus should be prosecuted for attempted murder. He would not have been able to live this lifestyle of excess if that stupid network wasn’t paying him a million bucks a week for a stupid show, all of it is obscene.

  8. jojo

    As if. As if anyone is surprised that he was dabbling in all things and experiences. Just because it wasn’t said out loud, it was safe to assume he was scrapping the bottom of all barrels. It was nasty because it wasn’t love and it wasn’t monogamous, no matter who he was corn holing.

  9. Sylvia

    Wow! I am sure all those people Charlie has mistreated and bullied are now saying “Pay Back is a Bitch.”

  10. Strom

    If this is all true, Charlie deserves all the problems he has!

  11. 1st Round 1st Minute

    too late scumbag…..what a piece of shit this thing is…..why is he still breathing?

    go to hell sheen and take your disgustingness with you.