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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Nothing brings on a swoon better than the sweet music of Johnny Mathis. When we were in college, the president of his fan club lived down the hall in the dorm so we talked about him all the time. He’s still touring and when he’s not, he’s playing golf at charity tournaments like this one for the Kidney Foundation hosted by George Lopez.

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  1. Anonymous

    Johnny is in “wonderful, wonderful” shape. Janet, thanks for the photo — and for sharing your memories of good ol’ Bedrock University! We graduated in the class one year ahead of yours — along with two other very famous B.U. alums — Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. It really IS a small world 🙂

  2. Mr. Marbles

    I vaguely remember reading or hearing something about Johnny saying that he was homosexual. If memory is correct, he never said who his significant other/others is, and still have not heard who he is, unlike Elton John and other gays. Does anyone know if he has one ‘friend’?

  3. Bonnie B

    ^^^^Well, anonymous, thank you kindly, I did not know that. BB

  4. Anonymous

    Actually, Bonnie — Johnny declared himself to be gay YEARS AGO, saying that he “has always preferred the gay life.” Thus turning an “outing” of him into a non-event and putting to rest rumors which had swirled around his private life since the beginning of his career.

  5. bonnie blizzard

    One of the best voices (beside Elvis) on earth. But, ‘chances are’, he will never come out of the closet and will never be discovered in a gay bar or anywhere that would blow his cover. With JM, you just don’t discuss this.

  6. Anonymous

    “Chances Are” “Wild Is The Wind” and so many more…What a voice Johnny has. And he looks great.

  7. Saucy Sara

    And more than likely Johnny has been ON the golf course many times…….like, in the area near the bathrooms.

  8. gerard Vandenberg

    ……………………JUST HIDE, folks!!
    (it’s as simple as that)

  9. Anonymous

    Janet when you say ‘we’are you trying to say that there were numerous people in your dorm room? Was this during the ‘Summer of Love’ in Sanfrancisco?