

Add pet detective to Jennifer Garner’s resume. The actress found a lost Yorkshire Terrier wandering around her LA neighborhood recently. The pup was wearing a fancy designer collar and she quickly realized this was no stray. She captured it, dropped it off at a local animal hospital and then called the number on the tag, informing the heartbroken owners where their dog was. The dog belonged to an elderly couple and it had somehow escaped from the backseat of their SUV when the trunk accidentally opened. The couple picked up the pooch and insisted on leaving a reward for the Good Samaritan (since they no idea Jennifer was a celebrity.) When informed who the hero was, the couple still didn’t recognize the name, so they told the vet to let Jen donate the $500 to her favorite charity.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


It’s touching to see how distraught Orlando Bloom is over the loss of his poodle Mighty. The pup escaped somehow from his Montecito home on Wednesday and Orlando has been a wreck ever since. Orlando and Mighty were inseparable, and often rode his motorcycle together. He and fiancée Katy Perry put up dozens of signs offering $5000 reward for the return of Mighty. Katy has a lookalike pup named Nugget, supposedly from the same litter as Mighty, so the dogs are bonded like their owners. We noticed the warning on the sign “DO NOT CHASE” – we have a similar dog and they are skittish and tend to run VERY fast into the middle of the street when chased! We REALLY hope Orlando gets his micro-chipped and collared dog back! Small cute dogs are the LEAST likely to be returned!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA